Select Version
Statement | Function |
CHANGE-TO-SYSTEM-MODE | Switch to system mode |
CLASSIFY-FILE | Classify files according to their convertibility |
CONVERT-FILE | Convert ISAM/SAM/PAM files or load module files |
END | Terminate the PAMCONV program |
MODIFY-CONVERT-FILE-DEFAULTS | Change the current default values for the CONVERT-FILE statement |
MODIFY-LOGGING-OPTIONS | Change the current logging options |
SHOW-CONVERT-FILE-DEFAULTS | List the current default values for the CONVERT-FILE statement |
SHOW-LOGGING-OPTIONS | List the current logging options |
Further permissible statements
In addition, the SDF standard statements such as SET-JOB-STEP can be used. They are of general importance in connection with SDF. They are described in the “SDF Dialog Interface” manual [20 (Related publications)].