The notebook is used to modify the contents of the depot. A modification is the change of status of a correction in the depot (deactivation, activation, entry of new corrections).
The notebook contains all deviations from the accepted correction packets and has the following attributes:
Every operation is valid until it is accepted in a newly accepted supply component or another notebook operation is performed on this correction.
All operations are always specific to a particular product version.
Every operation is documented.
All entries are taken into account whenever access is performed (exception: if the original packets are specifically requested).
A notebook session begins by entering the user ID and is ended by pressing the K1 key. The user ID is entered for every modification.
Acceptance of advance corrections (ADD with specification of a file)
Activation of depot corrections (ADD)
Rejecting of corrections (REJ)
All notebook operations can be output in interactive mode and on file.
The screen is the same for all functions. At the bottom of the screen, information about possible operations is given after an internal consistency check. The entry is not accepted until a suggested operation has been confirmed.
The corrections in the depot can be classified as follows:
Source of correction
supply route (SOLIS2 or PULS)
ADD operation in notebook.
Type of correction
normal correction
correction for selectable unit
optional correction
preliminary correction
correction for the creation of diagnostic documentation
correction for (de)activating trace routines
Correction status in RMS
normal - i.e. no notebook operations were performed on these corrections.
ADD with assignment to some of the supply components (Some-ADD)
ADD with assignment to all supply components (All-ADD)
REJ (Rejected).
A notebook operation is dependent on the correction status and, where applicable, on the source of the correction, but not on the type of correction.
The notebook operations are shown in the following table and explained on the subsequent pages:
Operation | Description |
ADD/CMD/SIS from file | A new correction has been made known (via FM2000, SIS or a telephone call), and it appears to be a good idea to use this correction and possibly forward it (deliver it). |
ADD from depot | It has been determined that there is no current correction for this problem, but that a previous correction is good enough to be used. |
REJ | It has been determined that a correction is erroneous and should no longer be included when generating or delivering system loader files.This operation remains valid until the correction is missing in a future delivery. |
RST | Notebook operations were inadvertently carried out for a SUBNO. With this operation, all operations are undone. |
Acceptance of preliminary corrections - ADD with specification of a file
An ADD operation can be used to select a correction from a file, add it to the depot and assign it to a product.
This correction is assigned to all the supply components of the selected product and remains valid until a new correction is accepted for this SUBNO or another notebook operation (ADD, REJ, CMD, SIS or RST) is carried out. If there is already a correction in the depot for a SUBNO and a product, this becomes invalid (implicit REJ operation).
Mandatory specifications are:
subno jd 'ADD' comment product version filename
Acceptance of several preliminary corrections - CMD with specification of a file
The CMD operation is used to offer all corrections from the specified file for addition to the depot for the given product as individual ADD operations.
If an offered correction is to be added to the depot, a comment must be entered, followed by DUE. If a correction is not to be added, only DUE is necessary.
Mandatory specifications are:
'CMD' product version filename
Automatic acceptance of operations from SIS - SIS with specification of a file
The SIS operation is used to automatically process all corrections from the given file as individual ADD or REJ operations for addition to the depot for all the products contained in the file.
This operation is assigned to all supply components of the selected product and remains valid until a new correction is accepted for this SUBNO or until another notebook operation (ADD, REJ, CMD, SIS or RST) is carried out.
Mandatory specifications are (only for user group 2):
'SIS' filename
Activate depot corrections - ADD
An ADD operation without file specification will activate the specified depot correction for all supply components of the given product.
Mandatory specifications are:
subno jd 'ADD' comment product version
Rejecting of corrections - REJ
The REJ operation is used to reject a correction. This guarantees that this correction will no longer be contained in subsequent system loader generations or deliveries.
Mandatory specifications are:
subno jd 'REJ' comment
Product and version can also be specified. Regardless of whether or not this is done, all products containing this correction will be output. This makes it possible to restrict REJ to the specified product or implement it for all products.
If this correction is not in the depot, the operation can be noted for future reference. In such a case, the operation is only carried out when the correction is in a delivery packet.
This operation remains valid until another notebook operation (ADD, CMD, SIS or RST) is carried out.
Reset notebook operation - RST
The RST operation resets all notebook entries for a SUBNO. The original version (input packet) for this correction is returned to the depot.
Mandatory specifications are:
subno 'RST' comment
Product and version can also be specified. Regardless of whether or not this is done, all products containing this correction will be output. This makes it possible to restrict RST to the specified product or implement it for all products.