Central modules
RMS | Contains basic routines, interactive information function, Pascal-XT runtime system and FHS runtime system. |
RMSCONV | Routine to convert a depot from V3.20 to the current version. |
RMSHELP | Contains background information about screens, in German. |
RMSHELPE | Contains background information about screens, in English. |
RMSINIT | Executes all initialization tasks and calls RMSCONV or RMSIN2 ifnecessary. |
RMSIN2 | Is called if a depot update (input, notebook records or import) was not properly ended. The status of the function before call-up is restored. |
RMSMONT | Contains all loader building routines. |
RMSSYN | Contains all batch/SOLIS2-specific routines. |
RMS7SYN | Contains all batch/SOLIS2-specific routines for the V7 syntax. |
Function modules which require MODE MEISTER
EINFAHR | Inputs SOLIS2 or PULS REP packets. |
LIEFERN | Generates supply components for SOLIS2. |
LIEFER7 | Generates supply components for SOLIS2. (new function). |
MATRIX | Creates cross-reference list of corrections. |
MONTAGE | Generates/installs all system loaders to be built. |
NOTIZERF | Notebook records. |
NBKINFO | Outputs notebooks information. |
NOTBLIST | Global list of notebook entries. |
RMSEDIT | Sets up new text levels, sets up, modifies and deletes text entries in text levels or product notes. |
RMSEXIM | Export (plus deletion, where applicable) of packets from depot. Packets are products, loader definitions, OPT-REP settings, loader modifications and text levels. All the information is saved in a new depot. Importing packets from another depot For products, it is possible
RMSFIND | Character-oriented search of depot, module-oriented search of all corrections. |
RMSLGEN | Connection to RMSMONT for loader selection |
RMSLVWIN | Connection to RMSMONT for loader administration and information. |
RMSOPTS | Setting options for this run. |
RMSST00 | Outputs statistical information on the depot contents. |
VGL | Compare REPs - new format. |
VGLSTART | Compare REPs. |
Service program connection modules
These modules contain only the connection for the service program. The user must have installed the corresponding library.
CALLEDT | Calls EDT as a function of the menu parameter (TEMPORARY or RESIDENT). |
CALLLMS | Calls LMS. |
Special functions modules
DEFKUDEP | Converts a service depot to a customer depot. |
RMSCNGPR | Changes a product version (upon customer release). |
RMSQM001 | Creates an OPT-REP packet from a definition file. |