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MODIFY-OPT-PACKET - Extend optional REP selection packet


An element in the depot is modified. If optpacketname is not in the depot, a new element is created.



NAME = 'optpacketname'

[,NEW-NAME = 'optpacketname']

,INPUT = *SYSDTA / filename

[,ERROR = ON(<integer 0..31>) / OFF(<integer 0..31>)]


NAME = 'optpacketname'
Name of the optional REP selection packet to be modified. The name can be up to 22 characters long.

NEW-NAME = 'optpacketname'
New name of the optional REP selection packet to be modified. The name can be up to 22 characters long.

INPUT = *SYSDTA / filename
The following ADD statements are read from SYSDTA or are in the specified file. “filename” can be a fully-qualified name.

The *SYSDTA input or the input file has the following format:

ADD = subno / (subno, ...) [,productfamily] 
ADD = subno / (subno, ...) [,productfamily] 
DEL = subno / (subno, ...) [,productfamily] 

ERROR = ON(<integer 0..31>) / OFF(<integer 0..31>)
In the event of an error, the specified job switch is set (ON) or reset (OFF).