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CREATE-DELIVERY-PACKET - Create delivery packet


A delivery packet is created and noted in the depot. This function is available up to the first customer level.



PRODUCT = *PRODSAVE / productversion / lb

[,TEXT = *ALL / *NONE / 'textname' / ('textname',...)]

[,START = *ALL / lb]

[,ERROR = ON(<integer 0..31>) / OFF(<integer 0..31>)]


PROD[UCT] = *PRODSAVE / productversion / lb
Product version with the supply component which is to be used for the creation of the delivery packet.

*PRODSAVE means that a list of products is accessed which was specified in a previous statement. RMS remembers this list and uses it again here.

TEXT = *ALL / *NONE / 'textname' / ('textname',...)
Controls the list of the text levels to be included in the delivery. Regardless of the specification, the text level “SC-OPT DESCRIPTION” is always contained.

All text levels are to be included.

No text level is to be included.

TEXT = 'textname' / ('textname',...)
The specified text level or the specified list of text levels is to be included.

START = *ALL / lb
Specifies whether all text levels (*ALL) or only the text level (sc) which was introduced with a particular delivery component is to be included.

ERROR = ON(<integer 0..31>) / OFF(<integer 0..31>)
In the event of an error, the specified job switch is set (ON) or reset (OFF).