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CREATE-CATALOG - Define file catalog


This statement is used to define the proportion of the file catalog of a pubset or volume set that is to be created on the specified disk or pubset area.
The size of the TSOSCAT of the pubset or volume set is the sum of the areas defined for the individual disks.


DISK-NUMBER=list-poss(32): n / *RANGE(...)






,FILE-SIZE=2000 / <integer 60..64016>

Specifies the disks on which a catalog section is to be created. Depending on the format of the pubset or volume set identifier, the number of the disk in the pubset or volume set must be specified.

One-, two- or three-digit number of the disk in the pubset or volume set (see "CREATE-VOLUME - Initialize disks"). Specification of a list with up to 32 elements is possible.

A number of disks within a range are to be processed. The range is delimited by means of the FROM and TO operands.

Start of the range.

End of the range.

A catalog section is created on each disk in the area; the size of the section is determined by the FILE-SIZE operand.
n must be smaller than m.

FILE-SIZE=<integer 60..64016>
Specifies the size (in PAM pages) of the catalog for each disk.
The size is rounded up internally to a full even UNIT number.

The default value for the catalog size is 2000 PAM pages.


  1. If system administration does not specify a CREATE-CATALOG statement for the system disk of the pubset/volume set (Pubres/Volres), a catalog section of 2000 PAM pages is created there by default.

  2. If, for DECLARE-PUBSET ACTION=*INSTALL, the sum of the values for the FILE-SIZE operand on each disk is greater than the maximum permissible size for the catalog, a number of catalog extents are set up successively until the maximum size is reached. If required, the size of the last catalog extent is reduced.

  3. Only the EXTRA-LARGE TSOSCAT type is supported.

  4. SIR aborts with an error message if the specified catalog size is larger than the disk capacity.