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CREATE-PAGING-FILE - Create paging file


This statement is used to create the paging files.


DISK-NUMBER=list-poss(32): n / *RANGE(...)






,FILE-SIZE=<integer 1..32767>

Specifies the disk of the pubset on which a paging file is to be created.
Depending on the format of the pubset ID (see the DECLARE-PUBSET statement), the number of the disk on the pubset must be specified.

One- to three-digit number of the IPL disk in the pubset (see "CREATE-VOLUME - Initialize disks"). A list containing up to 32 elements is permitted.

A number of disks within a range are to be processed. The range is delimited by the FROM and TO operands.

Beginning of the area in the pubset.

End of the area in the pubset.

A paging file is created on each disk. Its size is determined by the value of the FILE-SIZE operand.
n must be smaller than m.

FILE-SIZE=<integer 1..32767>
Defines the size of the paging file per disk in Mbytes.
If the disk capacity is less than that specified in the FILE-SIZE operand, a paging file is created that is the size of the maximum disk value.

  1. The system is unable to operate without a paging file, but this need not necessarily be on the home pubset. It is therefore possible to set up pubsets without a paging file.

  2. If no CREATE-PAGING-FILE statement was specified when setting up a pubset (ACTION=*INSTALL), a message is issued.

  3. Paging files are given the same file attributes as are assigned with the /CREATE-PAGING-FILE command.

  4. Further information on paging files can be found in the “Performance Handbook” [9 (Related publications)].