The MODIFY statement enables SPCCNTRL default values to be modified if other values are desired. Any such modification applies only to the current program run.
This statement can also be used for the subsequent assignment of the SPCCNTRL message file or of any other message file. This is possible only under the TSOS user ID. The message file remains in the system until the end of the session, unless the assignment is changed by means of /MODIFY-MSG-FILE-ASSIGNMENT
{ LINES = nn / MSG = { SPCCNTRL / (FILE,filename) } } |
LINES = nn
Specifies the desired number (“nn”) of lines per page for the list output (where 14 <= nn<= 127). If no value is specified, the default value is 60.
TSOS only.
Specifies that the message file valid for SPCCNTRL is to be assigned. The expected file name is SYSMES.SPCCNTRL.version.
“version” is the version number of the SPCCNTRL routine used.
MSG = (FILE,filename)
Dynamically loads messages from the file specified here by “filename”.