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Structure of the manual “EDT Subroutine Interfaces”


This manual describes only the subroutine interface provided by
EDT V17.0A.

It covers the following topics:

  • Preface

    Notes on the structure and mode of use of the EDT manuals.

  • New features and changes in EDT V17.0A

    Summary description of the new features and changes in the EDT V17.0A subroutine interface.

  • Using EDT as a subroutine

    Description of the functions together with calls and return codes, structure of the control blocks, brief examples.

  • User-defined statements - @USE

    Presentation of the possibility of writing user-defined statements in EDT. Special application as a statement filter.

  • User routine - @RUN

    Starting a user routine as a subroutine with the @RUN statement.

  • Production of subroutine interface applications

    Rules and examples for the production of programs in BS2000 which use EDT as a subroutine or which are to be called by EDT as user routines by means of the @USE or @RUN statements.
    The languages C and Assembler are considered.

  • Extensive sample programs with comments

    For C and Assembler main programs, C and Assembler user routines.

  • Appendix – C header

    Layout of the C header file.

References to related documents are provided in abbreviated form in the text. The full title of each publication referenced by a number is provided in full after the corresponding number in the “Related publications” section.