This section contains descriptions of the elementary operand types as well as operand types which are only needed for the definition of other operand types but which do not themselves occur as real operands in any of the statements.
Operand | Definition |
binary | 0 | 1 |
The digit 0
or 1
Operand | Definition |
dd | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
Decimal digit.
Operand | Definition |
hd | dd | A | B | C | D | E | F | a | b | c | d | e | f |
Hexadecimal digit.
Operand | Definition |
spec | ! " # $ % & ’ ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ‘ { | } ~ |
A special character from the group of characters specified above (see also section “Character set in a statement”).
Operand | Definition |
unicode | hd hd hd hd |
Sequence of precisely four hexadecimal digits which specify a character's UTF16
Operand | Definition |
escsymb | spec |
The current escape character which introduces a Unicode substitute representation escseq
. It can be defined using the statement @PAR ESCAPE-CHARACTER. By default, no escape character is assigned.
Operand | Definition |
escseq | escsymb U unicode |
Substitute representation for a Unicode character. The sequence of hexadecimal digits for the unicode operand type must correspond to the character's UTF16
coding. If the user has defined the escape character %
with @PAR ESCAPE-CHARACTER=‘%‘ then, for example, %U20AC
would be a valid Unicode corresponding to the character €.
Operand | Definition |
char | Any character |
Any character.
The group of available characters depends on the employed character set on the one hand, and on the input source on the other. Thus it is not possible to input any character via the keyboard even if the terminal is able to display this character. In the case of characters which cannot be entered directly, the operand type char*
permits a Unicode substitute representation.
Operand | Definition |
char* | char | escseq |
Any character which is specified directly or in its UTF16
coding in the form of a Unicode substitute representation (see also section “Substitute character representation in Unicode”).
Operand | Definition |
rangesymb | spec |
The current range symbol. This can be modified using the @RANGE statement. By default, this is the character &
Operand | Definition |
loopsymb | spec |
The current loop counter which is defined in the @DO statement and which can be used in the same way as a line number variable in the called @DO procedure.
Operand | Definition |
op | + | - |
One of the mathematical operators +
or -.
Operand | Definition |
rel | GT | LT | GE | LE | EQ | NE | > | < | >= | <= | = | <> |
Character representing a relation which can be queried using the @IF statement.
The GT
or >
(greater than), LT
or <
(less than), GE
or >=
(greater than or equal to), LE
(less than or equal to), EQ
or =
(equal to) and NE
or <>
(not equal to) have their usual mathematical meanings.