This format of the @INPUT statement allows users to define how EDT is to interpret text input in L mode.
Operation | Operands | L mode |
@INPUT | [ { [ CHAR ] |
CHAR | Causes EDT to interpret record input in L mode as a sequence of characters |
HEX, X | Causes EDT to interpret record input in L mode as a sequence of |
ISO | This operand is no longer supported in EDT V17.0 Unicode mode. For |
BINARY | Causes EDT to interpret record input in L mode as a sequence of binary |
The default setting when EDT is called is @INPUT CHAR.
The maximum permitted abbreviation of the statement can only be used if operands are specified. If called without operands, the maximum permitted abbreviation is @INP as EDT otherwise recognizes the @INDEX statement.
Even if @INPUT HEX or @INPUT BINARY has been specified, statements may not be entered in hexadecimal or binary coding.