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@STATUS - Display current settings and contents of variables


The @STATUS statement can be used to output the EDT and system environment settings together with the values of line number and integer variables.



F mode, L mode


[={  ALL {
       PAR [ (procnr | *) ]
       SEARCH-OPTION}  [,...] } ] [TO line [(inc)] ]


All the information concerning the parameters TIME, BUFFER, SIZE,
output. In addition the user ID (USERID), the task serial number (TSN) and
the current EDT operating mode are output (see section “Introduction to theEDT operating modes”).


This outputs the current time, the duration so far of the current EDT session,
the CPU time required so far, the difference in the CPU time between the
last two @STATUS statements.


This outputs the current size of the physical input/output buffer for the
terminal (see SETBF macro) and the column number as of which the
permissibility of the length of input in L mode is to be checked (see @CHECK
statement). In batch mode, the column number is always output.


This operand is now only supported for reasons of compatibility. The value
0 is always output.


The following are output: the current statement symbol (see @: statement),
the valid delimiter for literals (see @QUOTE statement), the valid wildcards
(see @SYMBOLS statement), the current range symbol together with the
defined range (see @RANGE statement), the current fill character in
hexadecimal form (see @SYMBOLS statement) and the current substitute
character used to replace invalid characters during conversion operations
(see the statement @PAR SUBSTITUTION-CHARACTER).


Outputs the set of declared text delimiter characters (see @DELIMIT


Outputs the number of screen lines and columns (see @VDT statement)
together with the current behavior on screen output as defined using @PAR

In the case of 9763 terminals, the current screen format is also output (see
@VDT statement).


Outputs the default settings that may be defined using the @BLOCK,
@CHECK, @INPUT, @TABS, @EDIT and @VTCSET statements.

The settings for syntax control in L mode, the execution mode (see
@SYNTAX statement) and the values that may be set for the @AUTOSAVE
statement are also output.


Outputs the global file name declared using the last @FILE statement. If a
version number was also specified in the statement then this is output here.

In addition (and if present), a local @FILE entry which has been defined
implicitly (with @READ or @GET) or explicitly (with @FILE .. LOCAL) is
output for every work file together with the name of an open file or the library
and element name of an open library element.

If the output from the FILE operand would be empty then it is omitted.

PAR (procnr | *)

A local @FILE entry (if present) together with the name of an open file or
library element is first output for the specified work file in the same format
as for @STATUS=FILE. Then the character set defined for this work file
(see @CODENAME statement), the current values of all the work
filespecific settings that can be modified using the @PAR statement which
apply to the current work file and the work file-specific line number variables
(*, ?, % and $) are output. Finally, the line and column positions (see
@SETF statement) and the option selected for the line number display (see
@PAR INDEX statement) are displayed for each (possible) screen window
corresponding to the specified work file, together with the number of lines
(after switching to F mode) in the visible area (see @PAR SPLIT) and an
indication of whether (after switching to F mode), the cursor is located in this
screen window.

If no work file is specified then a list containing the above-mentioned
information is output for all the work files. If * is specified then the information is
output for the current work file.






Displays the contents of all the line number variables (#L0..#L20)

Displays the contents of all the integer variables (#I0..#I20)

The content of the named line number variable is output.

The content of the named integer variable is output.

The current SDF settings are displayed. In addition, for each work file, the
name (if present) of the program set with @PAR
SDF-PROGRAM or @SDFTEST is output together with an ID indicating
whether this is an internal or an external name (as declared in @PAR SDF-
NAME-TYPE). The format of the output is identical to the corresponding
output for @STATUS=PAR.


The currently defined character set is output for the communications
character set (TERMACT, see @CODENAME statement) as well as for every
work file that has a character set and for every string variable. The character
sets for the system files SYSDTA, SYSOUT and SYSLST and, in interactive
mode, the character set defined using /MODIFY-TERMINAL-OPTIONS
(TERMDEF) as well as the settings for the Auto mechanism are also output


The values defined for logging are output (see @LOG statement).


Outputs the default settings for the search functions (@ON statement) that
have been defined using the @SEARCH-OPTION statement.


Line number as of which information is to be written to the current work file.

If a line with a number greater than the previous highest line number is
created then the current line number is modified.

If line is not specified then in the interactive mode's L mode, the result is
output to SYSOUT, in batch mode it is output to SYSLST and in F mode it is
written to work file 9. Work file 9 is deleted before being used. If a file is open
in work file 9 then the message EDT5189 is output and the statement is not


Increment used to form the line numbers which follow line. If inc is not
specified then the increment implicitly specified by line is used (see
section “Implicit increment assignment”).

If no operand is specified then the value ALL is used.

The output sequence when multiple operands are specified is predefined by EDT and not in any way dependent on the order in which the operands are entered. If the same operand is specified more than once then this does not cause the information concerning it to be output again.

Output to SYSOUT or SYSLST is sent in the character set that has been defined for these system files. If the output is written to a work file then it is sent in the work file's character set. If the work file has the character set *NONE then the character set EDF041 is used. All characters which might be mapped to an invalid character when converted into the applicable output character set (for example, the values for @PAR SEPARATOR or @PAR STRUCTURE) are output both as characters (or possibly as blanks) and in the hexadecimal form U'xxxx', in which case the character coding is displayed in UTF16.

If @SYNTAX TEST=ON has first been used to activate the test mode for L mode input and if @STATUS is entered in L mode then any specification of TO line(inc) is ignored, i.e. the output is written to SYSOUT instead.