Unicode mode, which solely incorporates the most important extensions to EDT V17.0A such as support for Unicode character sets and long records, operates differently from compatibility mode when performing a wide variety of functions. The general principle is that the constraints applying to modifications in L mode are significantly greater than in F mode since the potential consequences in interactive mode are considerably less serious.
The present chapter provides a brief overview of the differences between Unicode mode and compatibility mode. It is particularly important to take account of these notes when procedures have to be migrated to Unicode mode. This will not normally be possible without modifications which may sometimes be time-consuming.
The presentation is subdivided into the following subsections:
EDT V16.6B functions that are no longer supported in EDT V17.0 Unicode mode.
Statements which act differently in the EDT V17.0A Unicode mode than in EDT V16.6B.
Changes in the screen display and input/output in EDT V17.0A compared to EDT V16.6B.
Changes in the general or work file-specific settings in the EDT V17.0A Unicode mode compared to EDT V16.6B.
Changes to the subroutine interface if the new V17 format of the interface is to be used or if EDT V17.0A's old V16 format is to be used in Unicode mode.
During implementation, a large number of errors were identified in EDT V16.6B. Many of these have only been corrected in Unicode mode. Not all of these corrections are listed here.