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EDT is the BS2000 file editor, used for the user-friendly creation and editing of BS2000 files in SAM and ISAM formats, as well as text-type library elements and POSIX files.

The repetitive operations which occur during editing such as deleting, modifying, inserting and copying records and characters, searching for records containing certain character strings, outputting records etc. are performed using powerful yet easy-to-learn statements.

EDT V17.0A can be used in an extended Unicode mode and a V16.6-compatible compatibility mode.

  • In Unicode mode, EDT V17.0A can edit character sets coded in Unicode and other character sets. Users benefit from easy-to-handle support capabilities such as, for example, the ability to edit differently coded files in various EDT work files simultaneously. In addition, there is no longer any restriction to line length (previously 256 characters). When reading from and writing to files, EDT is able to process all the record lengths provided by DMS and LMS. In the case of POSIX files, it is able to process files with a maximum length of 32768 characters.

    The fact that a Unicode representation is used internally in EDT means that the compatibility of all the various interfaces at which users previously had direct access to the internal EDT data cannot be maintained. This applies to the old L mode subroutine interface, the former @RUN interface and the Locate mode of the IEDTGLE interface. These interfaces can therefore no longer be used in Unicode mode.

  • The compatibility mode provides the full functionality of EDT V16.6B with only slight extensions.

Even though EDT has been designed to be an interactive program, it is also able to process files and library elements in batch mode.

File editing operations which have to be performed frequently in identical or similar forms can be programmed using EDT procedures.

EDT can call other programs as subroutines and can itself be called as a subroutine by a user program.