The following statements are used to start EDT procedures and supply parameters to them. Further statements are used to switch between different procedure levels and to initialize and modify variables.
@DO (Format 1) | Starts a @DO procedure, i.e. the text lines and EDT statements | F mode |
@DO (Format 2) | Activates and deactivates the logging of the read statements | @PROC |
@END | In L mode, causes the current work file to be exited. | F mode |
@INPUT (Format 1) | Starts an @INPUT procedure from any file. The statements | F mode |
@INPUT (Format 2) | Starts an @INPUT procedure from a SAM or ISAM file. The | F mode |
@NOTE | Does not perform any action. The statement is used to | L mode |
@PARAMS | Defines symbolic parameters which can be used in a | @PROC |
@PROC (Format 1) | Switches to another work file. This work file then becomes | L mode |
@SET (Format 1) | Assigns a value to an integer variable. | F mode |
@SET (Format 2) | Assigns a value to a string variable. | F mode |
@SET (Format 4) | Inserts the contents of an integer variable, the name of a | F mode |
@SET (Format 5) | Stores the date and time as of the desired column in a string | F mode |