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Creating, inserting and modifying texts


The following statements are used if it is necessary to make similar changes to text occupying a large range. They can be used in EDT procedures to automate frequently recurring changes.


Inserts or replaces text in existing work file lines or string
variables as of the specified column position. Blanks at the
end of a line are also deleted.

F mode
L mode


In line ranges, converts lowercase characters to uppercase
or uppercase to lowercase.

F mode
L mode


(Format 1)

Creates a line with the specified content.

F mode
L mode


(Format 2)

Assigns a string to a string variable.

F mode
L mode


(Format 3)

Reads a string from the terminal or from SYSDTA
and creates a line with its content.

F mode
L mode


(Format 4)

Reads a string from the terminal or from SYSDTA
and creates a string variable with its content.

F mode
L mode


(Format 6)

Searches for a string and replaces the hit string with the
specified text.

F mode
L mode


(Format 7)

Searches for a string and inserts text before or after the hit
string or replaces this.

F mode
L mode


Prefixes each line or string variable in the specified range
with a string.

F mode
L mode


Checks whether a line range contains syntactically correct
SDF commands or syntactically correct SDF statements.

F mode
L mode


Breaks a line or line range into multiple lines. The point at
which the break takes place can be specified by a separator
character or by a column position.

F mode
L mode


Sorts contiguous line ranges in the current work file in
ascending or descending order. By specifying a column
range, it is possible to restrict the sort operation to the
relevant section of the record.

F mode
L mode


Inserts a string at the end of each line or string variable in
the specified range.

F mode
L mode


(Format 3)

Expands software tabulators in work files and
string variables if a tabulator character and a corresponding
tabulator position have been defined.
(see @TABS, format 2).

F mode
L mode


This statement is now only supported in compatibility mode.

L mode