In systems in which the JV subsystem (Job Variable Support) is installed, it is possible to use job variables in JV. Unlike the integer, string and line number variables, job variables persist after EDT has terminated and it is possible to access existing job variables in EDT.
In EDT, it is possible to delete job variable entries (@ERAJV), output the values of job variables or transfer these values to a work file or string variable (@GETJV), generate job variables and assign values to them (@SETJV) as well as output information about job variables or write this information to a work file (@STAJV). In EDT procedures, it is not possible to evaluate the content of job variables directly but instead only after this has been transferred to a work file or a string variable.
BS2000 does not assign any character set to job variables. When a job variable is read with @GETJV, it is therefore possible to explicitly define the character set in which EDT is to interpret the content of the job variable. If nothing is specified then the default mechanisms described in the section on character sets apply.