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Work files


Users have 23 work files in virtual memory available to them for file processing purposes. These are work files 0 to 22. The work files are able to accommodate records of a length up to 32768 characters. This means that it is possible to process DMS files and library elements with the maximum permitted record length. The maximum number of records permitted in a work file is 99999999.
In work files, it is possible to enter new data, read in existing files for processing, generate and edit data using EDT statements or copy data from other work files.

In F mode, work file 9 is used by a number of EDT statements in order to store results (@COMPARE, @FSTAT, @SHIH, @SHOW, @STAJV, @STATUS).
This may cause existing content to be deleted without warning.

However, if a file is open in work file 9 then a message EDT5189 is output and the related statement is not executed. Work file 9 should therefore only be used as a temporary help file.