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Input and output


Input to EDT may take the following form

  • from the screen (primary source)

  • from the system file SYSDTA

  • from a SAM or ISAM file

  • from a library element

  • from a POSIX file

  • from another EDT work file (@DO procedure)

When reading input, EDT distinguishes between data (texts) and statements.

Whether EDT reads from the terminal or from SYSDTA depends, on the one hand, on the system environment (dialog or batch mode) and, on the other, on the EDT work mode
(F mode or L mode) (see section “EDT work modes”). The work modes can, in turn, be set by means of job switches (see section “Job switches”) and statements (@EDIT statement).

The other input sources must be explicitly declared in a statement (see the statements @OPEN, @COPY, @READ, @GET, @XOPEN, @XCOPY, @INPUT, @DO)

Output from the EDT may take the following form:

  • to the screen (primary target)

  • to the system file SYSOUT

  • to a SAM or ISAM file

  • to a library element

  • to a POSIX file

  • to the system file SYSLST

Whether EDT writes to the terminal or to SYSOUT depends, on the one hand, on the system environment (dialog or batch mode) and, on the other, on the EDT work mode. The work modes can, in turn, be set by means of job switches (see section “Job switches”) and statements (@EDIT statement).

The other output targets are declared either directly or indirectly in a statement (see the statements @CLOSE, @WRITE, @SAVE, @COPY, @XCLOSE, @XWRITE, @PRINT, @LIST)

For details, see chapter “File processing”.