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Mit dem Kommando close wird die Verbindung zu einem fernen Rechner geschlossen.
close |
Die Abfrage des Status zeigt an, dass eine Verbindung zum Rechner anlaged besteht.
status Connected to anlaged, port 21. No proxy connection. Passive Mode: off Mode: stream; Type: ascii; Form: non-print; Structure: file Copymode: off; Ftyp: textbin Verbose: on; Bell: off; Prompting: on; Globbing: on Filesystem is: BS2000 The character to change the filesystem is: % ISO-codetable is ISO88591, EBCDIC-codetable is EDF041 Time limit for server responses: 30 secs Time limit for file size determination: 60 secs Store unique: off; Receive unique: off Use EOF marker: special EOF marker (C-DATEIENDE) Pad empty record with blank: off Case sensitivity: off Used job variable: *NONE Used SDF-P variable: *NONE Used receive selector: *NONE Used send selector: *NONE Hash mark printing: off; Use of PORT cmds: on Protected control channel: off Private data channel: off Cipher: clear
Durch close wird diese Verbindung geschlossen.
221 Goodbye.