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Include-Datei YMLCML.H zu YMLCML() - Mail-Resultat abholen


Nachfolgend ist die Include-Datei YMLCML.H aufgelistet. Ein Beispielprogramm, das die Verwendung des Funktionsaufrufs YMLCML() zeigt, finden Sie auf "C-Beispielprogramme".

#ifndef _YMLCML_H
#define _YMLCML_H

#if 0

 TITLE             (/ Check send mail order /)
 NAME              YMLCML.H
 DOMAIN            MAIL
 LANGUAGE          C
 COPYRIGHT         (C) Fujitsu Technology Solutions 2010
                       ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

 PURPOSE           (/ Check, whether a submitted send mail order has completed



#define YMLCML_UNIT     940
#define YMLCML_VERSION    2

/* order                                                              */
/* ENUM order_s                                                       */
#define YMLCML_any 1                    /* ANY                        */
#define YMLCML_single 2                 /* SINGLE                     */

/* wait                                                               */
/* ENUM wait_s                                                        */
#define YMLCML_yes 1                    /* YES                        */
#define YMLCML_no 2                     /* NO                         */

/* rc                                                                 */
/* ENUM rc_s                                                          */
#define YMLCML_be_ok 0                  /* OK                         */
#define YMLCML_be_param_error 1         /* Parameter error            */
#define YMLCML_be_resource_sat 2        /* Resource saturation        */
#define YMLCML_be_smtp_error 3          /* SMTP error                 */
#define YMLCML_be_smime_error 4         /* General SMIME error        */
#define YMLCML_be_smtp_mail_from_error 5
                                        /* Error at SMTP MAIL FROM    */
#define YMLCML_be_smtp_rcpt_to_error 6  /* Error at SMTP RCPT TO      */
#define YMLCML_be_smtp_data_error 7     /* Error at SMTP DATA         */
#define YMLCML_be_file_access_error 8   /* Error at user file access  */
#define YMLCML_be_message_too_large 9   /* Message too large          */
#define YMLCML_be_int_error 10          /* Internal error             */

/* main return codes                                                  */
/* mret_code                                                          */
#define YMLCML_successful 0             /* No error detected          */
#define YMLCML_parameter_error 1        /* Parameter error            */
#define YMLCML_int_error 2              /* Internal error             */
#define YMLCML_order_not_found 3        /* Order not found            */
#define YMLCML_foreign_task 4           /* Order issued by foreign    */
                                        /* task                       */
#define YMLCML_asti_not_avail 5         /* Subsystem ASTI not         */
                                        /* available                  */
#define YMLCML_no_result_req 6          /* No result requested        */
#define YMLCML_order_not_compl 7        /* Order not completed        */
#define YMLCML_asti_error 8             /* Unexpected ASTI error      */
#define YMLCML_opt_file_error 9         /* Option file not accessible */
#define YMLCML_resource_sat 10          /* Resource saturation        */
#define YMLCML_timeout 11               /* Maximum wait time reached  */
#define YMLCML_serv_not_avail 12        /* Mailclient service not     */
                                        /* available                  */

/* Parameter area                                                     */
struct YMLCML_pl_mdl {

        /* FHDR                                                       */
        struct ESMFHDR hdr;

        /* Input parameters                                           */
        struct {
                char order_id[16];      /* Order Id                   */
                long waittime;          /* Maximal wait time (secs)   */
                unsigned char order;    /* Order specification        */
                unsigned char wait;     /* Wait                       */
                char optfile[54];       /* Option file                */
        } in_data;

        /* Output parameters                                          */
        struct {
                char order_id[16];      /* Order Id                   */
                unsigned long rc;       /* Return code                */
                char ret_msg[160];      /* Return message             */
                unsigned long asti_rc;  /* Return code from ASTI      */
                char msg_id[7];         /* Message Id                 */
                char reserved1[1];      /* Reserved                   */
        } out_data;

/*  Entry for YMLCML  */
#ifdef __SNI_HOST_BS2000
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" void _SVC(int, void*);
inline void YMLCML(struct YMLCML_pl_mdl& param)
{_SVC(20, &param);}
void _SVC(int, void*);
#define YMLCML(p) _SVC(20, &p)

#endif /* _YMLCML_H_VERSION_2 */

#endif          /* _YMLCML_H */