NAMED is automatically started up when the POSIX subsystem is started and shut down when POSIX is shut down if it is activated by AUTOSTART='yes' in /etc/default/TCP-IP-SV.dns.
Startup call for NAMED
The startup call for the NAMED daemon is:
/etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.named start
Initially a check is made to see whether AUTOSTART is set to 'yes'. If it is not, no further action is executed. If it is set to 'yes', a check is made to see whether a daemon has already been started. If this is the case, only a corresponding message is output, and if it is not the case the daemon is started.
If the daemon is to be started in any case, irrespective of AUTOSTART, the mstart option must be used instead of start.
The dstart option enables the daemon to be executed in the foreground for debugging purposes; the debugging options in the TCP-IP-SV.named script may need to be adjusted.
With the USERID parameter in the /etc/default/TCP-IP-SV.named file you define whether NAMED is to run without root authorization (see "NAMED and security").
Restart call for NAMED
A restart call is offered for NAMED. This is necessary when a modified configuration file is to be read in during ongoing operations.
The restart call for NAMED is:
/etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.named restart
When the restart procedure is executed, a check is made to see whether the corresponding daemon has been started. If no active daemon is found, a normal restart takes place.
Shutting down NAMED
The following call is available to stop the NAMED daemon:
/etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.named stop
The shutdown only applies until the POSIX subsystem is terminated. If an automatic restart is to be prevented when the POSIX subsystem is restarted, the AUTOSTART variable in /etc/default/TCP-IP-SV.named must be set to 'no' or 'never'.