The DNS name server NAMED enters its logging information in the /var/adm/syslog file. In the configuration file /etc/named.conf you can use the logging function to define the categories for which logging is to be performed, in other words on which channels the logging information is to be output.
By default, all messages with a severity from "Info" to "Critical" are stored via SYSLOG in the file /var/adm/syslog. Messages of the categories "Packet" and "Eventlib" are exceptions. These messages as well as all debug messages are stored in the file in the startup directory of the NAMED daemon.
The following information is contained in the entries of the NAMED daemon in the logging file var/adm/syslog:
Date and system time
Keyword for classification, which corresponds to the message priority (severity)
Name of the NAMED daemon and process ID (PID)
Logging category
Actual meaning
Jan 04 09:42:06 LOG_INFO named[1064]: load: master zone ""
(IN) loaded (serial 36)
The following information is contained in the entries of the NAMED daemon in the file:
Date and system time
Logging category
Actual meaning
30-Jan-2010 11:14:12.574 load: info: master zone "" (IN)
loaded (serial 36)
Further information on logging is provided in the section “Configuring NAMED”.