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DNS tools


A number of tools are available for diagnostics, administration and monitoring of NAMED. These tools are listed below. You will find a description of them on your server under /opt/TCP-IP-SV/dns /readme or under /opt/TCP-IP-SV/dns-named/readme.

Diagnostic tools

  • dig (domain information groper)

    Command line tool for retrieving information on the domain name servers

  • host

    Command line tool for querying Internet host names

  • nslookup

    Command line tool for querying domain name servers on the Internet. nslookup will not be developed any further. In future the dig tool should be used instead.

Administration tools

  • rndc (remote name daemon control)

    Tool for monitoring name server operation

  • rndc-confgen

    Utility for generating the rndc.conf file

A detailed description of these tools is provided in the “BIND9 Administrator Reference Manual” of the Internet Software Consortium.