The structure of the FTP accounting record in the accounting file is based on the structure of the FT accounting record. The individual components of an accounting record are connected to each other in such a way and provided with length and offset information so as to ensure compatibility with older evaluation programs even with the following modifications:
Individual components enlarged
Number of variable record extensions increased
The FTP accounting record consists of the following four components:
Record description
Identification section
Basic information
Variable information
Description of the components of the FTP accounting record
The individual parts of the record contain the following identifiers:
Field number: Sequence number of the data field within the written record part
Offset: Relative distance of the data field to the start of the written record part
Length: Length of the data field (in bytes)
Format: Format of the data field
The following abbreviations are used in the description of the components of the FTP accounting record provided below:
A B C F Z - | = = = = = = | Alphanumeric (including $, # and @) Binary number Printable characters File name for BS2000 Time specification in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS Undefined |
Record description section
Field | Offset | Length | Format | Meaning |
1 | 0x00 | 4 | A | Record ID “FTP0” |
2 | 0x04 | 8 | -/B | Time stamp of the time-of-day clock |
3 | 0x0C | 2 | B | Length of the identification section |
4 | 0x0E | 2 | B | Length of the basic information |
5 | 0x10 | 4 | - | Reserved |
Identification section
Field | Offset | Length | Format | Meaning |
1 | 0x00 | 8 | A | User ID |
2 | 0x08 | 8 | A | Accounting number |
3 | 0x10 | 4 | Z | TSN of the FTP child |
Basic information
Field | Offset | Length | Format | Meaning |
1 | 0x00 | 14 | Z | Command reception time |
2 | 0x0E | 14 | Z | End of transfer time |
3 | 0x1C | 1 | C | Result of transfer: |
4 | 0x1D | 3 | - | Reserved |
5 | 0x20 | 8 | B | Number of bytes from/to disk |
6 | 0x28 | 8 | B | Number of bytes to/from network |
7 | 0x30 | 4 | B | Number of disk accesses |
8 | 0x34 | 4 | B | CPU time used in milliseconds |
Explanation of field no. 3
The FTP server cannot always recognize whether or not transfer has failed. Reason: In many cases the end of file transfer is signaled by the data connection clearing down. However, this connection cleardown can also be caused by an error. In such cases the “Result of transfer” is marked with “0” (= indeterminate).
Explanation of field no. 8
The CPU utilization from the end of the preceding transfer (or from the start of the child) to the end of the transfer of the current file is measured here. This includes activities such as setting options, and switching and listing directories. Some activities cannot be assigned to a subsequent file transfer because the connection had been cleared down in the meantime. These activities are incorporated in a special accounting record which is written when a connection finishes. The value X’00’ is entered in this record as the result of the transfer. The “File name” field contains no entry (see the table “Record extension for the file name”).
Variable information
Field | Offset | Length | Format | Meaning |
1 | 0x00 | 2 | B | Number of extensions = 1 |
2 | 0x02 | 2 | B | Offset between the record extension for the partner ID and the start of record |
3 | 0x04 | 2 | B | Offset between the record extension for the file name and the start of record |
If an offset of 0 is set, the corresponding record extension is not specified. |
Header of the variable section
Field | Offset | Length | Format | Meaning |
1 | 0x00 | 2 | A | Extension ID = “PI” |
2 | 0x02 | 1 | B | Extension type = 0x00 |
3 | 0x03 | 1 | - | Reserved |
4 | 0x04 | 2 | B | Length of the extension (without ID, type and length field) |
5 | 0x06 | 1 | B | Address type: |
6 | 0x07 | 16 | B | IP address (left-justified) |
7 | 0x17 | 1 | - | Reserved |
8 | 0x18 | 2 | B | Length of the partner name |
9 | 0x1A | see field 8 | F | Partner name |
Record extension for partner identification
Field | Offset | Length | Format | Meaning |
1 | 0x00 | 2 | A | Extension ID = “FN” |
2 | 0x02 | 1 | B | Extension type = 0x00 |
3 | 0x03 | 1 | - | Reserved |
4 | 0x04 | 2 | B | Length of the file name |
5 | 0x06 | see field 4 | F | File name |
Record extension for the file name