Because user-defined exit routines are not selected by default, they have to be activated before they are used.
Enabling and disabling user-defined exit routines for the FTP server
User-defined exit routines for the FTP server can be activated either in the FTP server or FTP client.
Enabling user-defined exit routines for the FTP server in the FTP server
In order to activate the conversion routines in the FTP server, add the "-U" option to the /START-PROGRAM statement in the Enter file on the FTP server
(SYSENT. TCP-IP-AP.nnn.FTPD) and then start the FTP server:
-U [receive: [<recv-selector>]!][send: [<send-selector>]]
The string <recv-selector> or <send-selector> is transferred in the selector parameter when the relevant conversion routine is called and may not exceed 32 characters.
Enabling user-defined exit routines for the FTP server in the FTP client
You can activate conversion routines for the FTP server from the FTP client by sending the server a site exit command from the client with an operand similar to the -U server option. The conversion routine is only called in this case with these parameters for transfers to this connection. If the FTP client from interNet Services >=
V2.0 is used, rexit ... can also be specified instead of quote site exit ....
You should note the following here:
The site exit command has precedence over the -U option. In other words, even if the FTP server was started with the -U option, the specifications of a site exit command sent from the client to the server are valid.
By sending a site exit command with the selector string "*" the general server setting is again set as valid in accordance with the -U option.
Disabling user-defined exit routines for the FTP server
The exit routine for the FTP server is disabled for the current connection by sending a site exit command with the selector string "*NONE".
Enabling / disabling user-defined exit routines for the FTP client
User-defined conversion routines are enabled and disabled for the FTP client with the exit command.
Enabling user-defined exit routines
exit [receive:[<recv-selector>]!] [send:[<send-selector>]]
A proper selector must be specified for both <recv-selector> and <send-selector>, which may contain at most 32 characters.
Disabling user-defined exit routines
exit receive:*NONE or send:*NONE or receive:*NONE!send:*NONE
You have to specify *NONE
for both <recv-selector> and <send-selector>.