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The most important requirement for using an IPv6 FTP in BS2000 is the existence of sockets with IPv6 capability. In BS2000 the SOC6 subsystem has been developed for this purpose. This subsystem is implemented as of SOCKETS(BS2000) Version 2.0A.
Please note the following here:
If a host only has IPv4 addresses, you can use an FTP server with IPv6 capability provided sockets with IPv6 capability are available. However, no other IPv4 server may run in parallel.
If a host only has IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, you should only use FTP with IPv6 capability. If you do not do this, an IPv6-capable client could attempt to set up an IPv6 connection, which would then fail.
If a host only has IPv6 addresses, you must use the FTP with IPv6 capability.