The smtpReadMaxWaitTime option defines how long the mail sender backend has to wait for an answer form the SMTP servers is applicable. If a mail send request is canceled due to an exceeded wait time then it will be repeated after a specific time, just as in case of error messages of the SMTP servers which indicate a temporary existing problem, see options smtpRetryTimeBase and smtpRetryTimeMaxExp.
The commands MODIFY-MAIL-SERVICE-PARAMETER, SHOW-MAIL-SERVICE-PARAMETER and STOP-MAIL-SERVICE which are communicating with the mail server backend and the communication of the backend with the SNTP server are serialized. Hence, it is preferable to limit the waiting state time of the backed - which may be caused by SMTP server problems- in order to process these commands as immediately as possible. On the other hand, this limitation should not be too rigorous because an overloaded SMTP server would be loaded still more due to the canceled and repeated transfers.
A waiting time in the digit minute range may be bi a good compromise in general.
smtpReadMaxWaitTime |
<time>[ s | m | h | d ] |
Maximum waiting time
Default: 5m
If a unit is not specified, the <time> specified is in minutes. If a unit is specified (s for second, m for minute, h for hour, d for day), it must immediately follow <time>, in other words, without a space. If 0 is specified then the waiting time not limited.