The SYSSSI file specifies different parameters that are used by parts of the mail sender. The default name of the option file is:
Alternatively, it has the same name under the corresponding installation ID.
You can change the file name using the IMON logical ID SYSSSI.MAILCLNT.
Notation of the options in the option file
The various options must be entered in the option file in compliance with the following rules:
Each option must be entered in a separate line.
If the arguments of an option extend over several lines, each line to be continued must be concluded with a backslash (\), indicating that the line is to be continued.
A line that begins with the number sign (#) in column 1 is ignored when the file is read in.
No distinction is drawn between uppercase and lowercase for the option names.
Unless otherwise specified, no distinction is drawn between uppercase and lowercase for the option values.
The available options are listed below: