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Starting and shutting down NTP


If you want to start or shut down NTP manually, under SYSROOT or TSOS use the following script call

/etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.ntp start


/etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.ntp stop

This type of startup is possible only if the AUTOSTART variable is set to 'yes' in /etc/default/TCP-IP-SV.ntp. If, on the other hand, you want to shut down NTP by terminating the POSIX subsystem, set the AUTOSTART variable to 'no' or 'never'.

If the daemon is to be started in any case, irrespective of AUTOSTART, the mstart option must be used instead of start.

The dstart option enables the daemon to be executed in the foreground for debugging purposes; the debugging options in the TCP-IP-SV.dns script may need to be adjusted.

Use the script call below to stop and restart any running NTP daemon:

/etc/init.d/TCP-IP-SV.ntp restart