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Functional command overview


The following overview shows the appropriate FTAC user commands for individual tasks.The use of openFT-AC for the BS2000 FTP server is a prerequisite for the use of these commands.

Commands for the FTAC admission sets

FTAC users can view the standard admission set and their own admission sets. They can also modify their own admission sets and display partner systems.
Modify admission set


Show admission setSHOW-FT-ADMISSION-SET

Commands for the FTAC admission profiles

FTAC users can create, modify, show and delete admission profiles for their own user IDs.
Create admission profileCREATE-FT-PROFILE
Delete admission profileDELETE-FT-PROFILE
Modify admission profileMODIFY-FT-PROFILE
Show admission profileSHOW-FT-PROFILE

Command for the logging function

Show logging recordsSHOW-FT-LOGGING-RECORDS