The mdelete command is used to delete files from the remote host. The prompting function is enabled and disabled using the prompt command. The delete command can also be used to delete files from the remote host.
mdelete |
<remote-file> [<remote-file>] [<remote-file>] |
Name of the file to be deleted from the remote host. Multiple file names may be specified.
If the prompting function is enabled, FTP checks before deleting each file whether the file is really to be deleted.
The remote host is a Unix host.
Query the name of the remote working directory.
pwd 257 "/usr/tcptest/man/sam/von.msdos" is current directory.
Delete the files anton.* and berta.*; the prompting function is enabled.
mdelete anton.* berta.* mdelete anton.2 (y/n/q)? y 200 DELE command okay. mdelete anton.3 (y/n/q)? n mdelete anton.upd (y/n/q)? y 200 DELE command okay. mdelete berta.1 (y/n/q)? y 200 DELE command okay. mdelete berta.2 (y/n/q)? n
Disable the prompting function.
prompt Interactive mode off.
Delete the remaining files in the remote working directory; the prompting functionis disabled.
mdelete * 200 DELE command okay.