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mput - Send multiple local files


The mput command is used to transfer files from the local host to the remote host. Files can also be transferred to a remote host by using the put, reput, append and send commands.


<local-file> [<local-file>] [<local-file>] ...


Name of a file on the local host to be transferred to the remote host. Multiple files may be specified in a single call.
The files are assigned the same names on the remote host as on the local host. The file names must therefore comply with the file name conventions of the local host as well as those of the remote host. By default uppercase characters in the name of the local file are converted to lowercase. However, you can disable this setting using the client command setcase (see "setcase - Uppercase/lowercase for file names in the target system").
If the prompting function is enabled (see the prompt command), FTP requests confirmation before transferring each file. If a file transfer is unsuccessful, the following files are also not transferred.


The remote host is a Unix host.

  1. Query the names of local and remote working directories.

    Local directory is :5:$TCPTEST.MAN.SAM.NACH.SINIX.
    257 "/usr/tcptest/man/sam/nach.bs2000" is current directory.
  2. Transfer the files in the local directory designated by the entries anton, anton.* and berta.*. The FTP server function PORT is called implicitly. The prompting function is disabled in this example. See the description of the prompt command on "prompt - Enable/disable prompting".

    mput anton anton.* berta.* 
    200 PORT command okay. 
    150 ASCII data connection for anton (,1201). 
    226 Transfer complete.
    242 bytes sent in 0.03 seconds (6.05 Kbytes/s) 
    200 PORT command okay.
    150 Opening data connection for anton.upd (,1202). 
    further transfers
    226 Transfer complete. 
    242 bytes sent in 0.04 seconds (5.76 Kbytes/s) 
    200 PORT command okay.
    150 ASCII data connection for berta.2 (,1207). 
    226 Transfer complete.
    242 bytes sent in 0.04 seconds (5.90 Kbytes/s)