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remotehelp - Get help on functions of the remote FTP server


The remotehelp command returns a list of all functions implemented on the FTP server of the remote host. The individual server functions can be specified as an operand of the command. Server functions for which there are no corresponding commands on the FTPclient can be called by using the quote command. A list of all commands on the local FTP client can be obtained with the help command.




FTP server function for which information is to be output.
If no operand is specified, a list of all functions recognized is displayed.


The remote host is a BS2000 host.

List of the FTP server functions. Functions marked with an * (asterisk) are not implemented.

214-The following commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented).
 USER     EPRT     APPE     MRCP*    XCWD     MKD      XCUP     OPTS     MODC
 PASS     EPSV     MLFL*    ALLO     LIST     XMKD     STOU     AUTH     SETC
 ACCT     TYPE     MAIL*    RNFR     NLST     RMD      SYST     PBSZ     MLSD
 REIN*    STRU     MSND*    RNTO     SITE     XRMD     REST     PROT     MLST
 QUIT     MODE     MSOM*    ABOR     STAT     PWD      MDTM     CCC
 PORT     RETR     MSAM*    DELE     HELP     XPWD     SIZE     FILE
 PASV     STOR     MRSQ*    CWD      NOOP     CDUP     FEAT     FTYP
214 Direct comments to TSOS at BCAMVM06.
remotehelp site
214-The following SITE commands are recognized (* =>'s unimplemented).
 CMOD     FILE     HELP     SETC     EXIT
 EXEC     FTYP     MODC     SFIL     SVFS
214 Direct comments to TSOS at BCAMVM06.