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status - Display FTP status information


The status command returns information on the current connection, any TLS security for this connection and various locally set parameters. The command also displays information on the currently set code tables, the character string for switching between the DMS and POSIX file systems, and the current file system (DMS or POSIX).



Not connected.
No proxy connection.
Passive Mode: off
Mode: stream; Type: ascii; Form: non-print; Structure: file
Copymode: off; Ftyp: textbin
Verbose: on; Bell: off; Prompting: on; Globbing: on
Filesystem is: BS2000
The character to change the filesystem is: %
Net/ISO CCSN is NEW88591, Host/EBCDIC CCSN is EDF041
Assign CCSN to file: No
Time limit for server responses: 30 secs
Time limit for file size determination: 60 secs 
Store unique: off; Receive unique: off
Use EOF marker: special EOF marker (C-DATEIENDE) 
Pad empty record with blank: off
Case sensitivity: Off
Used job variable: *NONE
Used SDF-P variable: *NONE
Used receive selector: *NONE
Used send selector: *NONE
Hash mark printing: off; Use of PORT cmds: on
Protected control channel: off
Private data channel: off 
Protocol: (not connected)
Cipher:   (not connected)

The last four lines show that TLS security for the control and data connections is disabled and that currently no control connection is established.

Two further possible status displays on TLS security are listed below:

  • Status display for non-secured control connection:

    Protected control channel: off
    Private data channel: off 
    Protocol: (none)
    Cipher:   clear 
  • Status display for a control connection secured with AES:

    Protected control channel: on
    Private data channel: off 
    Protocol: TLSv1.2
    Cipher:   ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 (256 bits) 

In these examples TLS security for the data connections is disabled. This can be recognized from the following display: Private data channel: off

In the case of “Private data channel: on”, too, TLS security for the data connections is only implemented if the control connection is also secured.