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type - Change or query transfer type


The type command sets the transfer type (ASCII, BINARY, TENEX or EBCIDC). If no operand is specified, the currently set transfer type is displayed on the screen.

On starting FTP, the transfer type is set to ASCII by default.

The transfer type can also be changed by using the ascii and binary commands. The transfer type currently set can be determined with the status command. The possible transfer types are described in more detail from "FTP client in BS2000". A table for ASCII/EBCDIC conversion can be found in the “XHCS” manual.

When a connection is cleared and a new connection is set up, the type command must be issued again for a transfer type other than ASCII.


[ ascii | binary | ebcdic | tenex ]


Sets the transfer type to ASCII. This transfer type should always be selected for text files, unless EBCDIC is in question.


Sets the transfer type to BINARY. This transfer type should always be selected for binary files.


Sets the transfer type to EBCDIC. This transfer type should be selected if both partners are working with EBCDIC, i.e. of no code conversion is desired and a SAM file is to be generated in BS2000.


Corresponds to the transfer type BINARY.


  1. Query the transfer type.


    Using ascii mode to transfer files.

  2. Set the transfer type to BINARY.

    type binary

    200 Type set to I.

  3. Query the transfer type.


    Using binary mode to transfer files.