The file specified in this option contains X.509 certificates in PEM format that can be used for the S/MIME encryption of e-mails. The certificates must contain an e-mail address as part of the Subject DN (Distinguished Name) or part of the X.509v3 Subject Alternative Name. During encryption of the e-mail, this certificate is checked to establish whether it contains an e-mail address that corresponds to an e-mail address in the list of e-mail recipients. If it does, the certificate is used for encryption.
If the recipientCertificatesFile option is used more than once, a search is carried out for the files specified there in the order in which the corresponding options occur.
recipientCertificatesFile |
<filename 1..54>
File containing the X.509 certificates in PEM format
A separate file containing X.509 certificates is not used.
*NONE is the default.