Required authorization:
The SEND-MAIL command allows you to create an order to send e-mails and send the order to the ASTI subsystem. ASTI forwards the mail send order to the server task of the mail sender backend, which carries out the order and returns a status code. ASTI restricts the size of the orders sent to 63 kB minus the bytes reserved for administration purposes.
If ASTI rejects a SEND-MAIL call because the maximum length has been exceeded, proceed as follows:
| Try to subdivide the e-mail into several smaller e-mails with smaller recipient lists and/or fewer attachments. |
| Save the e-mail texts and attachments in files instead of specifying the contents directly in the command. Specify only the associated file names in the command. |
SEND-MAIL | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
FROM = *USER-OPTION / <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
E-mail address of the e-mail sender. Information about problems sending the e-mail (“bounce e-mails”) are sent to this address. The value of the operand is also entered in the e-mail’s From header field. Specify the address in the following format:
“<local part>@<domain>“.
The address of the e-mail sender is taken from the user option file. If the address is not defined there and the SYSSSI option senderSuffix is not used, the command is rejected with an error code.
FROM = <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
You specify the address of the sender in the format “<local part>@<domain>”.
TO = *NONE / <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
Specifies the e-mail recipient address(es).
You have to define the e-mail recipients by means of other operands. The To header field is generated.
TO = <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
E-mail address of the recipient or a list of the e-mail addresses of the recipients. The addresses must be separated by commas in the list. The value of the operand is also entered in the e-mail’s To header field. You specify the addresses in the following format:“<local part>@<domain>”.
CC = *NONE / <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
Specifies the CC (carbon copy) e-mail recipient address(es).
You have to define the e-mail recipients by means of other operands. The Cc header field is not generated.
CC = <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
CC e-mail address of the recipient or list of CC e-mail addresses of the recipients. The CC addresses must be separated by commas in the list. The value of the operand is also entered in the e-mail’s Cc header field. You specify the addresses in the following format: “<local part>@<domain>”.
BCC = *NONE / <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
Specifies the BCC (blind carbon copy) mail recipient address(es).
You have to define the e-mail recipients by means of other operands.
BCC = <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
BCC e-mail address of the recipient or list of the BCC e-mail addresses of the recipients. The BCC addresses must be separated by commas in the list. The value of the operand is not entered in any of the mail’s header fields. Consequently, the recipients cannot see the other addresses to which the e-mail has been sent. You specify the addresses in the following format: “<local part>@<domain>“.
REPLY-TO = *NONE / <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
Specifies the e-mail address of the e-mail sender to which the recipients are to send replies.
A Reply-To header field is not added. In order to reply, the recipient has to take the address from a different header field (e.g. the FROM header field).
REPLY-TO = <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
E-mail address of the e-mail sender to which the recipients are to send replies. The value of the operand is entered in the Reply-To header field. You specify the address in the following format: “<local part>@<domain>”.
SUBJECT = *NONE / <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
Subject of the e-mail
A Subject header field is not added to the e-mail. It is advisable to specify a subject to enable recipients to deal with their e-mails more easily.
SUBJECT = <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
Subject of the e-mail. The value of the operand is entered in the e-mail’s Subject header field.
ADDITIONAL-HEADER = *NONE / list-poss(10): *HEADER(...)
Definition of additional header fields for the e-mail
No additional header fields
ADDITIONAL-HEADER = list-poss(10): *HEADER(...)
You can define up to 10 additional header fields in a list. The name and body are specified in the corresponding operands.
NAME = <c-string 1..63 with-lower-case>
Name of the header field
BODY = <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
Body of the header field
Specifies the type of character set conversion to be used for the header fields.
Character set conversion from XHCS CCSN EDF03IRV to CCSN ISO646 is used. It is assumed that the header fields contain ASCII characters exclusively, so that RFC 2047 encoding is not necessary.
The user can also use character sets that are not supported by XHCS. The prerequisite is that the user must provide headers that comply with RFC 2047 encoding following the character set conversion described above.
The header fields are handled as data to which character set conversion from an EBCDIC variant to an ISO-8859 variant has to be applied. The conversion is carried out with the help of XHCS. You will find more information on XHCS in the manual “XHCS (BS2000) (Related publications)”.
SOURCE = <name 1..8>
Source XHCS CCSN of the user data
DESTINATION = <name 1..8>
Destination XHCS CCSN of the user data
CHARSET-NAME = <c-string 1..63 with-lower-case>
Name of the character set used in RFC 2047 encoding
Defines the message to be sent.
A blank message is sent. This can contain attachments defined in the ATTACHMENT operand.
A message containing the parameters explained below is created:
TEXT = <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case> / *FILE(...)
Specifies the text of the message to be sent to the recipient(s).
TEXT = <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
Text of the message. You force an explicit line break by inserting the string “\n” at the appropriate point. If this string is to be part of the text, it must be entered as “\\n”. No other conversions are carried out.
TEXT = *FILE(...)
The text of the message must be read from a file.
FILE-NAME = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Name of the file containing the message. The file must remain unchanged until mail sending is concluded by the backend.
Specifies whether a file lock shall be set.
The value specified with the SYSSSI option lockFileDefault is used.
No file lock is set.
At the acceptance of the mail send order a file lock on the corresponding file is set, which is removed only when the order is ultimately executed (successfully or with failure) by the service task. While the file lock is set, the file can't be deleted or modified. When one inquires the file locks set on a given file with the SHOW-FILE-LOCK command, then the lock set by the mail sender can be identified by means of the TSN YML1 (that is the TSN assigned to the subsystem MAILCLNT).
Specifies whether the file is deleted after a successful delivery of the mail to an SMTP server.
The file is not deleted.
The file is deleted.
The file will be overwritten with binary zeros before deleting it.
Specifies whether the user data consists of text or binary data. If the user data consists of text, it is also specified which character set is used and which type of EBCDIC-x to ISO-y conversion is to be carried out.
Character set conversion from XHCS CCSN EDF03IRV to CCSN ISO646 is carried out. “text/plain; charset=us-ascii” is specified for the Content-Type header field. The value “7bit” is set for the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
The user data is treated as binary data. In other words, there is no character set conversion, for example. If the ENCODING operand has the (default) value *BIT-7, this value is replaced with *BASE64.
The user data is treated as text, for which character set conversion from an EBCDIC variant to an ISO-8859 variant usually has to be carried out. The conversion is carried out with the help of XHCS. You will find more detailed information on XHCS in the manual “XHCS (BS2000) (Related publications)”. When XHCS in version 2.0 or higher is available, then also the Unicode related CCSNs UTF8, UTF16, UNICODE and UTFE can be used.
SOURCE = <name 1..8>
Source XHCS CCSN of the user data
DESTINATION = <name 1..8>
Destination XHCS CCSN of the user data
CHARSET-NAME = <c-string 1..63 with-lower-case>
If the contents of the message consist of text (see the CONTENT-TYPE operand), the value of the CHARSET-NAME operand is inserted in the Content-Type header field of the message as a character set parameter. Otherwise, the operand is ignored.
ENCODING = *BIT-7 / *BIT-8 / *QP / *BASE64
Specifies how the user data is encoded for the transfer.
After character set conversion, it should be possible to represent all characters as 7-bit ASCII characters. If this is not the case, some characters may be altered during mail transport. The value “7bit” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field. If your mail contains lines with more than 998 characters (without the trailing CR LF), use ENCODING=*QP or ENCODING=*BASE64, because otherwise your mail will be most probably truncated or otherwise altered during mail transport.
The value “8bit” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
When you are not sure whether all mail servers in the transport chain are "8-bitclean", you should use ENCODING=*QP or ENCODING=*BASE64. The same recommendation applies, when your mail contains lines with more than 998 characters (without the trailing CR LF), because otherwise your mail will be most probably truncated or otherwise altered during mail transport.
After character set conversion, all characters which are not directly represantable as 7 bit characters are encoded in accordance with the quoted-printable algorithm (see RFC 2045). This results in lines of at most 80 7 bit characters. This encoding is helpful, above all, when only a few characters have to be converted. In this case, the great majority of the data remains readable to humans. The value “quoted-printable” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
After character set conversion, the data is encoded in accordance with the Base64 algorithm (see RFC 2045). This results in lines of at most 80 7 bit characters. This encoding is effective, above all, for binary data when only a few characters can directly be represented as 7-bit ASCII characters. In this case, quoted-printable encoding would result in much more data than Base64 encoding and would not be readable to humans. Base64 encoding increases the volume of data by a third. The value “base64” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
CONTENT-TYPE = *STD / <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
The value of this operand is entered in the message’s Content-Type header field. This field displays to the receiving client the medium type of the message transferred (e.g. pure text, text editor file, image file, movie file).
For human-readable text, specify “text/plain”. For images in JPEG format, specify “image/jpeg”.
The Content-Type header field is set to the value “text/plain” and the value of the CHARSET-NAME operand.
CONTENT-TYPE = <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
The value of this operand is entered in the Content-Type header field. Use a value that corresponds to your data (see RFC 2046, for example).
The value of this operand is entered in the message’s Content-Disposition header field (see RFC 2183). This indicates to the receiving mail client whether this part of the e-mail is to be displayed automatically or only when requested by the user who reads the e-mail.
The message’s Content-Disposition header field is set to “inline”. This indicates to the receiving mail client that this mail body is to be displayed automatically when the message is displayed.
The message’s Content-Disposition header field is set to “attachment”. This indicates to the receiving mail client that this part of the message body is only to be displayed on the request of the user.
Creates one or more attachments to be added to a message.
No attachments are created.
An attachment is created with the parameters described below.
TEXT = <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case> / *FILE(...)
Specifies the user data sent to the recipient(s).
TEXT = <c-string 1..1800 with-lower-case>
Text of the message. You force an explicit line break by inserting the string “\n” at the appropriate point. If this string is to be part of the text, it must be entered as “\\n”. No other conversions are carried out.
TEXT = *FILE(...)
The user data must be read from a file.
FILE-NAME = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
The name of the file that contains the user data. The file must remain unchanged until mail sending is concluded by the backend.
Specifies whether a file lock shall be set.
The value specified with the SYSSSI option lockFileDefault is used.
No file lock is set.
At the acceptance of the mail send order a file lock on the corresponding file is set, which is removed only when the order is ultimately executed (successfully or with failure) by the service task. While the file lock is set, the file can't be de;leted or modified. When one inquires the file locks set on a given file with the SHOW-FILE-LOCK command, then the lock set by the mail sender can be identified by means of the TSN YML1 (that is the TSN assigned to the subsystem MAILCLNT).
Specifies whether the file is deleted after a successful delivery of the mail to an SMTP server.
The file is not deleted.
The file is deleted.
The file will be overwritten with binary zeros before deleting it.
Specifies whether the user data consists of text or binary data. If the user data consists of text, it is also specified which character set is used and which EBCDIC-x to ISO-y conversion is to be carried out.
A character set conversion is carried out from XHCS CCSN EDF03IRV to CCSN ISO646. The value “text/plain; charset=us-ascii” is entered in the Content-Type header field. The value “7bit” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
The user data is treated as binary data. In other words, no character set conversion takes place, for example. If the ENCODING operand has the (default) value *BIT-7, this value is replaced with *BASE64.
The user data is treated as text, for which character set conversion from an EBCDIC variant to an ISO-8859 variant usually has to be carried out. The conversion is carried out with the help of XHCS. You will find more detailed information on XHCS in the “XHCS (BS2000) (Related publications)” manual. When XHCS in version 2.0 or higher is available, then also the Unicode related CCSNs UTF8, UTF16, UNICODE and UTFE can be used.
SOURCE = <name 1..8>
Source XHCS CCSN of the user data
DESTINATION = <name 1..8>
Destination XHCS CCSN of the user data
CHARSET-NAME = <c-string 1..63 with-lower-case>
If the contents of the message consist of text (see the CONTENT-TYPE operand), the value of the operand is inserted as a character set parameter in the Content-Type header field. If the contents do not consist of text, the operand is ignored.
ENCODING = *BIT-7 / *BIT-8 / *QP / *BASE64
Specifies how the user data is encoded for the transfer.
After character set conversion, it should be possible to represent all characters as 7-bit ASCII characters. If this is not the case, some characters may be altered during mail transport. The value “7bit” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field. If your mail contains lines with more than 998 characters (without the trailing CR LF), use ENCODING=*QP or ENCODING=*BASE64, because otherwise your mail will be most probably truncated or otherwise altered during mail transport.
The value “8bit” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
When you are not sure whether all mail servers in the transport chain are "8-bitclean", you should use ENCODING=*QP or ENCODING=*BASE64. The same recommendation applies, when your mail contains lines with more than 998 characters (without the trailing CR LF), because otherwise your mail will be most probably truncated or otherwise altered during mail transport.
After character set conversion, all characters which are not directly represantable as 7 bit characters are encoded in accordance with the quoted-printable algorithm (see RFC 2045). This results in lines of at most 80 7 bit characters. This encoding is helpful, above all, when only a few characters have to be converted. In this case, the great majority of the data remains readable to humans. The value “quoted-printable” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
After character set conversion, the data is encoded in accordance with the Base64 algorithm (see RFC 2045). This results in lines of at most 80 7 bit characters. This encoding is effective, above all, for binary data when only a few characters can directly be represented as 7-bit ASCII characters. In this case, quoted-printable encoding would result in much more data than Base64 encoding and would not be readable to humans. Base64 encoding increases the volume of data by a third. The value “base64” is entered in the Content-Transfer-Encoding header field.
CONTENT-TYPE = *STD / <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
The value of this operand is entered in the message’s Content-Type header field. This field displays to the receiving client the medium type of the message transferred (e.g. pure text, text editor file, image file, movie file).
For human-readable text, specify “text/plain”. For images in JPEG format, specify “image/jpeg”.
The Content-Type header field is set to the value “text/plain” and the value of the CHARSET-NAME operand.
CONTENT-TYPE = <c-string 1..255 with-lower-case>
The value of this operand is entered in the Content-Type header field. Use a value that corresponds to your data.
The value of this operand is entered in the message’s Content-Disposition header field (see RFC 2183). This indicates to the receiving mail client whether this part of the e-mail is to be displayed automatically or only when requested by the user who reads the e-mail.
The message’s Content-Disposition header field is set to “attachment”. This indicates to the receiving mail client that this part of the message body is only to be displayed on the request of the user.
The message’s Content-Disposition header field is set to “inline”. This indicates to the receiving mail client that this mail body is to be displayed automatically when the message is displayed.
Specifies whether the e-mail is to be encrypted and/or signed.
The e-mail is neither encrypted nor signed.
The e-mail is encrypted and/or signed with S/MIME.
Specifies whether the e-mail is to be signed.
The e-mail is signed depending on the setting in the user option file.
The e-mail is not signed.
The e-mail is signed.
CERTIFICATE-FILE = *USER-OPTION / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Specifies the file in which the X.509 certificate used for the signing is saved.
The file with the X.509 certificate to be used must be specified in the user option file.
CERTIFICATE-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Name of the file containing the X.509 certificate to be used. The certificate must be saved in PEM format.
KEY-FILE = *USER-OPTION / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Specifies the file containing the private key belonging to the X.509 certificate specified in the CERTIFICATE-FILE parameter.
The file with the private key to be used must be specified in the user option file.
KEY-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Name of the file containing the private key to be used. The private key must be saved in PEM format.
ADDITIONAL-CERT-FILE = *USER-OPTION / *NONE / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Specifies a file with additional X.509 certificates that can be used for signing. These certificates help the recipient to verify the signature if the certificate specified in the CERTIFICATE-FILE operand was published by an intermediate CA (certificate authority) rather than a root CA.
If a file with additional X.509 certificates is required, it must be specified in the user option file.
No additional certificates are used.
ADDITIONAL-CERT-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Name of the file containing the additional certificates to be used. The certificates must be saved in PEM format.
Specifies whether the e-mail is sent encrypted.
The encryption of the e-mail depends on the setting in the user option file.
The e-mail is not encrypted.
The e-mail is encrypted.
CERTIFICATE-FILE = *USER-OPTION / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Specifies the file in which the X.509 certificates used for encryption are saved.
The file containing the X.509 certificates to be used must be specified in the user option file.
CERTIFICATE-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Name of the file containing the X.509 certificates to be used. The certificates must be specified in PEM format.
CIPHER = *USER-OPTION / *DES3 / *AES-128 / *AES-192 / *AES-256
Specifies the encryption algorithm to be used. The selected encryption algorithm must be supported by all e-mail recipients. If it is not, some of the recipients will not be able to decrypt the e-mail.
The wanted cipher must be named in the user option file.
Encryption with Triple DES. The effective length is 112 bits.
Encryption with AES-128. The key length is 128 bits.
Encryption with AES-192. The key length is 192 bits.
Encryption with AES-256. The key length is 256 bits.
CRL-FILE = *USER-OPTION / *NONE / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Specifies the file containing the CRL (certificate revocation list). The CRL is used to check the validity of recipient certificates.
The file containing the CRL to be used is specified in the user option file. If *NONE is specified in the user option file (default), the recipient certificates are not checked for validity.
A CRL is not used. In other words, the recipient certificates are not checked for validity.
CRL-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
File containing the CRL to be used.
CA-CERTIFICATES-FILE = *USER-OPTION / *NONE / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Specifies the file containing the certificates in PEM format required to check the validity of the recipient certificates (see the CRL-FILE operand).
The file containing the CA certificates to be used is specified in the user option file.
A file containing CA certificates is not used.
CA-CERTIFICATES-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
File containing the certificates.
USER-OPTION-FILE = *STD / <filename 1..54 without-gen>
Specifies a user option file containing default values for different operands. You will find a detailed description of the user option file in the section “Configuration file for the mail sender frontend (user option file)”.
The default user options are obtained from the file specified in the SYSSSI option file with the defaultOptionFileName option (see “interNet Services BS2000 (Related publications), Administrator Guide (Related publications)”). The default setting for this option is SYSDAT.MAIL.nnn.USER.OPT.
USER-OPTION-FILE = <filename 1..54 without-gen>
The file specified here is used as the user option file.
The operand specifies whether the command is terminated immediately after the mail send order is sent or whether the command is to wait for the order to be carried out.
The command does not wait until the transfer order to the mail server is completed.
The execution status is not secured. It therefore cannot be queried subsequently by means of the REQUEST-MAIL-ORDER-RESULT command (see "REQUEST-MAIL-ORDER-RESULT - Request mail result").
You can and should query the execution status subsequently by using the REQUEST-MAIL-ORDER-RESULT command (see "REQUEST-MAIL-ORDER-RESULT - Request mail result"). If the status is not queried, the status information takes up storage space in the ASTI subsystem for an unlimited period. ASTI saves this status information in SYS.* files under the user ID of the mail sender.
The command waits for the mail send order to be completed and indicates whether the transfer to the (first) mail server was successful.
Return codes
(SC2) | SC1 | Maincode | Meaning |
0 | CMD0001 | No error. | |
64 | CMD0216 | The user does not have the required authorization for the command. | |
32 | CMD0220 | Internal error. | |
32 | CMD2009 | Error during the creation of the S variable. | |
64 | YML0120 | ASTI subsystem is not available. | |
64 | YML0142 | User option file does not exist or is not readable. | |
64 | YML0144 | File specified as an attachment does not exist or is not readable. | |
64 | YML0146 | Mail send order is too large. | |
128 | YML0148 | Maximum number of orders reached. | |
64 | YML0171 | SMTP protocol error. | |
64 | YML0172 | Mail service not activated. | |
64 | YML0174 | No sender address specified. | |
32 | YML0176 | Unexpected ASTI error. | |
64 | YML0203 | S/MIME file has an error or was not found. | |
128 | YML0214 | Resources are exhausted. |
SC1/2=Subcode 1/2 in decimal format
output data
If a mail send order is successfully transferred to ASTI, a YML0160 message is output containing the order ID as an insert. If requested, the order ID is also stored in an S variable with the ORDER-ID component.
When the SEND-MAIL command is used synchronously (WAIT-FOR-RESULT=*YES), than additionally a YML0170 message (or in case of an error another adequate error message) is displayed. If requested the components RETURN-CODE and RETURN-MSG of an OPS variable are supplied with corresponding values (see also the description of the “Output data” (REQUEST-MAIL-ORDER-RESULT - Request mail result) at the REQUEST-MAIL-ORDER-RESULT command).