You can use this macro to delete e-mail send orders transferred to the ASTI subsystem that have not yet been processed. For orders that have already been processed, the macro YMLDML deletes the information on the associated execution status in the ASTI-internal tables. The associated SYS files under the user ID of the mail sender are also deleted.
Entry names or SVC number(s)
SVC 20 (decimal)
Macro call format and operand description
FL= *TU / *TPR ,VERSION= 1 / 2 ,ORDER= *ALL / *SINGLE ,ORDERID= <var: char:16> ,OWNER= *OWN / *ALL / *OTHER ,USERID= <var: char:8> ,OPTFILE= *NONE / <var: char:54> |
Function area
An SVC interface is generated.
A CALL interface is generated.
Selects the interface version.
Selects the old interface version.
Selects the new interface version, which offers the operand OPTFILE and an additional return code.
Specifies which e-mail send order is to be deleted.
All the user’s e-mail send orders that have not yet been executed are deleted.
The e-mail send order specified in the ORDERID parameter is deleted.
If ORDER=*SINGLE is specified, this parameter determines the ID of the e-mail send order to be deleted.
Variable in which the order ID is stored or register containing the address of a variable in which the order ID is stored.
Specifies the user whose e-mail send orders are deleted.
Only delete the caller’s e-mail send orders.
Delete the e-mail send orders of all users. Callers without TSOS authorization get the same result here as with *OWN.
Delete the e-mail send orders of the user specified in the USERID parameter (only permitted for callers with TSOS authorization).
Specifies the user ID whose e-mail send orders are deleted.
Variable in which the user ID is stored or register containing the address of a variable in which the user ID is stored.
With this operand a user option file can be specified. The operand is available only with VERSION=2. Currently there is no user option which would influence the behaviour of YMLDML, but because this may change in the future it is recommended to supply by now the OPTFILE operand of the YDLDML call with the same value as done with the YMLSML and YMLCML calls.
No file defined.
Variable containing the name of the user option file or register containing the address of the name of the user option file.
Return codes
SRC2 | SRC1 | MRC | MRC name | Meaning |
| No error found. |
| Parameter error. |
| Internal error. |
| Order not found. |
| Insufficient authorization. |
| Order does not belong to the specified owner. |
| Order sent by external task. |
| ASTI not available. |
| Unexpected ASTI error. |
| Service MAILCLNT not available. |
SRC1/2 = sub-return code 1/2 in hexadecimal notation
MRC = main return code in hexadecimal notation
Macro call parameters
The data structure for the macro call parameters of YMLDML is composed as follows:
Distance | Identifier | Value | Meaning |
| Parameter area. | ||
000 |
| Function header. | |
008 |
| Input parameters. | |
008 |
| ID of the order to be deleted if | |
018 |
| Specifies which orders are to be deleted. | |
| 1 | All orders that have not yet been executed are deleted. | |
| 2 | The order specified under YMLDOIDI is deleted. | |
019 |
| Specifies the user whose orders are to be deleted. | |
| 1 | Only orders of the caller are deleted. | |
| 2 | All orders that have not yet been sent are deleted. | |
| 3 | Orders of the user specified under | |
01A |
| Reserved area. | |
01C |
| User ID whose orders are to be deleted. | |
024 |
| Output parameters. | |
024 |
| If the YMLDML call returns the return code YMLDASTI, this field contains the ASTI return code. |
Distance | Identifier | Value | Meaning |
| Parameter area | ||
000 |
| Function header | |
008 |
| Input parameters | |
008 |
| ID of the order to be deleted if YMLDORDS=YMLDOSNG | |
018 |
| Specifies which orders are to be deleted. | |
| 1 | All orders that have not yet been sent are deleted. | |
| 2 | The order specified under YMLDOIDI is deleted. | |
019 |
| Specifies the user whose orders are to be deleted. | |
| 1 | Only orders of the caller are deleted. | |
| 2 | All orders that have not yet been sent are deleted. | |
| 3 | Orders of the user specified under YMLDUSID are deleted. | |
01A |
| User id whose orders are to be deleted. | |
022 |
| User option file | |
058 |
| Output parameters | |
058 |
| If the YMLDML call returns the return code YMLDASTI, this field contains the ASTI return code. | |
05C |
| Message ID | |
063 |
| Reserved area |
Supplementary notes to the output parameters:
This field contains a YML message key for a message describing the occured error. This is normally the same message as a corresponding DELETE-MAIL-ORDER command call would deliver.
Listing of the expansion of the data structure for the macro call parameters
YMLSML MF=D,XPAND=PARA YMLDML MF=D 1 MFTST MF=D,PREFIX=Y,MACID=MLD,ALIGN=F, 1 DMACID=MLD,SUPPORT=(E,D,C,M,L),DNAME=MLDPARL 000000 2 YMLDPARL DSECT , 1 * Parameter area 1 YMLDHDR FHDR MF=(C,YMLD),EQUATES=NO FHDR 1 * main return codes 00000000 1 YMLDSUCC EQU 0 No error detected 00000001 1 YMLDPARE EQU 1 Parameter error 00000002 1 YMLDINTE EQU 2 Internal error 00000003 1 YMLDONTF EQU 3 Order not found 00000004 1 YMLDIPRV EQU 4 Insufficient privileges 00000005 1 YMLDWROW EQU 5 Order not owned by specified 1 * owner 00000006 1 YMLDFTSK EQU 6 Order issued by foreign task 00000007 1 YMLDANAV EQU 7 Subsystem ASTI not available 00000008 1 YMLDASTI EQU 8 Unexpected ASTI error 1 * 1 * 000008 1 YMLDIND DS 0XL28 Input parameters 000008 1 YMLDOIDI DS CL16 Order Id 000018 1 YMLDORDS DS FL1 Order specification 1 * order 00000001 1 YMLDOALL EQU 1 ALL 00000002 1 YMLDOSNG EQU 2 SINGLE 1 * 000019 1 YMLDOWNS DS FL1 Owner specification 1 * owner 00000001 1 YMLDWOWN EQU 1 OWN 00000002 1 YMLDWALL EQU 2 ALL 00000003 1 YMLDWOTH EQU 3 OTHER 1 * 00001A 1 YMLDRSV1 DS CL2 Reserved 00001C 1 YMLDUSID DS CL8 User id of owner 1 * 1 * 000024 1 YMLDOUTD DS 0XL4 Output parameters 000024 1 YMLDARET DS F Return code from ASTI 1 * 00000028 1 YMLD# EQU *-YMLDHDR