The OpenSSH protocol suite (only openSSH version 2 is supported) comprises the following programs and command :
On the server side: server program sshd (see the “interNet Services Administrator Guide”)
On the client side:
Client program ssh or slogin (see "OpenSSH client application ssh (slogin)"): replaces rlogin and telnet.
scp (see "scp - Secure copying of files between computers in the network"): replaces rcp.
sftp (see "sftp - Secure file transfer between computers in a network"): replaces ftp.
Administration utilities:
ssh-agent (see "ssh-agent - Authentication agent")
ssh-add (see "ssh-add - Loading private keys in the authentication agent")
ssh-keygen (see "ssh-keygen - Generating and administering an RSA/DSA key pair")
ssh-keyscan (see "ssh-keyscan")
To permit secure communication of Windows systems with BS2000 via SSH, the open source PuTTY (see, for example, provides the functionality of the client side of OpenSSH.