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LMSCOBLD generates the library description.


Expansion of LMSCOBLD

       01  LMSUP-LD.
           02  PASSWORD      PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE 0.
              02 PASSWORD-X    REDEFINES PASSWORD   PIC X(4).
           02  LINK          PIC X(8)       VALUE SPACES.
           02  FILLER        PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE 0.
           02  FILLER        PIC S9(9) COMP VALUE 0.
           02  MAX-NAME-LEN  PIC 9(4) COMP  VALUE 54.
           02  NAME          PIC X(54)      VALUE SPACES.
      **************  END OF COPY ELEMENT   LMSCOBLD   ********************


When allocating passwords, it is important to ensure that the password is not shorter than 4 bytes. The reason for this is that COBOL transfers data from left to right to the destination field during a MOVE and fills the remaining positions (right) with blanks. However, in BS2000, blanks represent a valid password combination.