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LMSCOBEQ symbolic names

LMSCOBEQ must be entered in the SYMBOLIC CHARACTERS clause of the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph. It defines symbolic names which serve as a programming aid for processing operand values, function codes, subcodes, return codes and storage mode of members.

When using LMSCOBEQ it is important to bear in mind that the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph is an input record. If LMSCOBEQ is the only entry in the SPECIAL-NAMES paragraph, the concluding period must be explicitly set in the program.


Expansion of LMSCOBEQ

      **************  LMSUP PARAMETER VALUES      *************************
               LMSUP-YES         IS  233
               LMSUP-NO          IS  214
               LMSUP-NONE        IS  214
               LMSUP-ANY         IS   65
               LMSUP-UNCHANGE    IS   65
               LMSUP-SAME        IS  213
               LMSUP-STD         IS  227
      **************  FOR: CBFCB                  *************************
               LMSUP-ISAM        IS  202
               LMSUP-SAM         IS  217
               LMSUP-CATA        IS  196
      **************  FOR: CBOV                   *************************
               LMSUP-EXT         IS  198
               LMSUP-ONLY        IS  215
               LMSUP-NAME        IS  194
      **************  FOR: INFO                   *************************
               LMSUP-TXT         IS  2
               LMSUP-COM         IS  3
      **************  LMSUP FUNCTION VALUES       *************************
               LMSUP-UPINIT      IS  02
               LMSUP-UPEND       IS  03
               LMSUP-TOCPRIM     IS  04
               LMSUP-TOCSEC      IS  05
               LMSUP-TOC         IS  06
               LMSUP-REN         IS  07
               LMSUP-DEL         IS  08
               LMSUP-ADD         IS  09
               LMSUP-SEL         IS  10
               LMSUP-COPY        IS  11
               LMSUP-COPSTRUC    IS  12
               LMSUP-LOCK        IS  13
               LMSUP-UNLOCK      IS  14
               LMSUP-OPEN-GET    IS  15
               LMSUP-OPEN-PUT    IS  16
               LMSUP-OPEN-UPD    IS  17
               LMSUP-GET         IS  18
               LMSUP-PUT         IS  19
               LMSUP-CLOSE       IS  20
               LMSUP-LIST        IS  21
               LMSUP-MOD-EL-PROT IS  22
               LMSUP-MOD-LIB-A   IS  23
               LMSUP-SHOW-LIB-A  IS  24
               LMSUP-MOD-TYP-A   IS  25
               LMSUP-SHOW-TYP-A  IS  26
               LMSUP-MOD-EL-A    IS  27
               LMSUP-COPY-LIB    IS  28
               LMSUP-CLOSE-LIB   IS  29
               LMSUP-PROVIDE     IS  30
               LMSUP-RETURN      IS  31
               LMSUP-GET-SYS-EL  IS  32
               LMSUP-REORG-LIB   IS  33
      **************  LMSUP SUBCODE VALUES        *************************
               LMSUP-UNUSED      IS   65
               LMSUP-SHORT       IS  227
               LMSUP-LONG        IS  212
               LMSUP-DIR         IS  197
               LMSUP-SEQ         IS  227
               LMSUP-WRITE       IS  231
               LMSUP-RESET       IS  218
               LMSUP-SYM         IS  227
               LMSUP-HEX         IS  201
               LMSUP-INC-PRE     IS  216
               LMSUP-INC-BASE    IS  195
               LMSUP-HIGH-PRE    IS  201
               LMSUP-EXTRA       IS  232
      ************** LMSUP RETURN CODE VALUES  ****************************
               LMSUP-OK          IS   1
               LMSUP-TRUNC       IS   5
               LMSUP-EOF         IS   9
               LMSUP-LMSERR      IS  13
               LMSUP-PARERR      IS  21
               LMSUP-SEQERR      IS  25
               LMSUP-INTERR      IS  29
      **************  STORAGE FORM VALUES         *************************
               LMSUP-FULL    IS  230
               LMSUP-DELTA   IS  197
      **************  CONVENTIONS                 *************************
               LMSUP-CNONE   IS  214
               LMSUP-CSEQ    IS  227
               LMSUP-CMSEQ   IS  213
               LMSUP-CTREE   IS  228
      **************  PROTECTION INDICATORS       *************************
               LMSUP-PNONE   IS  214
               LMSUP-PSTD    IS  233
               LMSUP-PGUARD  IS  200
      **************  SOURCE CODE CONTROL         *************************
               LMSUP-FREE    IS  97
               LMSUP-INHOLD  IS  201
      **************  WRITE CONTROL               *************************
               LMSUP-ACTIV   IS  194
               LMSUP-DEACTIV IS  197
      **************  ACCESS DATE                 *************************
               LMSUP-KEEP    IS  211
      **************  MODIFICATION DATE INDICATOR *************************
               LMSUP-OLD      IS  215
               LMSUP-SYS-DATE IS  227
      **************  OTHER VALUES                *************************
               LMSUP-ONE     IS  2  
               LMSUP-TWO     IS  3  
      **************  END OF COPY ELEMENT   LMSCOBEQ   ********************