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Summary of contents

This manual deals exclusively with the description of the LMS subroutine interface.

Format of the manual

Each chapter contains the following information:

  • LMS as a subroutine

    Overview of functions and applications.

  • Call preparations

    Description of the call preparations, return codes and format of the parameter structures.

  • Subroutine functions

    Description of all functions in alphabetical order with call parameters and return codes.

  • COBOL interface

    Description of the COBOL parameter structures and example of a COBOL main program.

  • C interface

    Description of the C parameter structures and example of a C main program.

  • Assembler interface

    Description of the Assembler parameter structures and example of an Assembler main program.

For a detailed description of LMS, including the various LMS statements and messages, see the User Guide “LMS (BS2000) SDF Format” [1].

Additional product information

Current information, version and hardware dependencies, and instructions for installing and using a product version are contained in the associated Release Notice. These Release Notices are available online at

Terminological note

In the LMS manuals the terms “element” and “member” are used synonymously.