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Outputting comparison statistics

All members of several libraries are compared. After the comparison, the relevant comparison statistics and, at the end, the grand total of the comparisons performed in the LMS run are output.

This LMS run is performed without a global library, i.e. no OPEN-LIBRARY is specified. All required libraries are defined locally in statements.

/start-lms ---------------------------------------------------------------  (1) 

//modify-logging-parameters logging=*maximum -----------------------------  (2)

//compare-element primary-elem=(lib=lib.all.v2,element=*,type=s), -
//             secondary-elem=(lib=lib.sou.v1,element=*,type=s), -
//             compare-parameters = (information=*summary) ---------------  (3)

FUNCTION         = C O M P A R E
PAR       COMPARE= 00001/32764/L/SUM

PRIMARY    ELEMENT= (S)EINAUS/@(0001)/2011-02-19
SECONDARY  ELEMENT= (S)EINAUS/@(0001)/2011-02-19
RESULT: S    PRIMARY=     8 INSERTED=     - (    -)  DELETED=     - (    -)
           SECONDARY=     8     SAME=     8 (    1)


PRIMARY    ELEMENT= (S)ERFASS/@(0002)/2011-02-19
SECONDARY  ELEMENT= (S)ERFASS/@(0001)/2011-02-19
RESULT: S    PRIMARY=    14 INSERTED=     - (    -)  DELETED=     - (    -)
           SECONDARY=    14     SAME=    14 (    1)


PRIMARY    ELEMENT= (S)PROT/@(0001)/2011-02-19
SECONDARY  ELEMENT= (S)PROT/@(0001)/2011-02-19
RESULT: S   PRIMARY=     5 INSERTED=     - (    -)  DELETED=     - (    -)
          SECONDARY=     5     SAME=     5 (    1) -----------------------  (4)


LMS is called.


In addition to error messages, positive acknowledgments are also logged.


All S-type members of library LIB.ALL.V2 are compared with the members of library LIB.SOU.V1.


The result of the comparison is output.

//show-statistics number=*c0 ---------------------------------------------   (5)  


             PRIM.    PRIM.     INS.     SAME     DEL.  INS+DEL     SEC.   SEC.


S (SAME)        3      27          -        27        -        -       27     3

C (CHANGED)     0       0          0        0        0        0        0     0

I (INSERTED)    0       0          0        -        -         0        -     - 

D (DELETED)     -       -          -        -         0        0        0     0


   TOTAL        3      27          0       27        0        0       27     3

//compare-element primary-elem=(lib=lib.all.v2,element=*,type=m), -
//             secondary-elem=(lib=lib.mac.v1,element=*,type=m), -
//             compare-param =(information=*summary) ---------------------   (6)

FUNCTION         = C O M P A R E
PAR       COMPARE= 00001/32764/L/SUM

PRIMARY    ELEMENT= (M)MAC1/@(0001)/2011-02-19
SECONDARY  ELEMENT= (M)MAC1/@(0001)/2011-02-19
RESULT: S    PRIMARY=     5 INSERTED=     - (    -)  DELETED=     - (    -)
           SECONDARY=     5     SAME=     5 (    1)


PRIMARY    ELEMENT= (M)MAC2/@(0001)/2011-02-19

SECONDARY  ELEMENT= (M)MAC2/@(0001)/2011-02-19

RESULT: S    PRIMARY=     5 INSERTED=     - (    -)  DELETED=     - (    -)

           SECONDARY=     5     SAME=     5 (    1)


PRIMARY    ELEMENT= (M)MUC1/@(0001)/2011-02-19

RESULT: I    PRIMARY=     5 INSERTED=     5 (    1)  DELETED=     - (    -)

           SECONDARY=     -     SAME=     - (    -)


PRIMARY    ELEMENT= (M)MUC2/@(0001)/2011-02-19
RESULT: I    PRIMARY=     5 INSERTED=     5 (    1)  DELETED=     - (    -)

           SECONDARY=     -     SAME=     - (    -) ----------------------   (7)


The current comparison statistics, contained in area C0, are output. LMS then performs the following internal actions:

  • Area C0 is added to area C1.

  • Area C0 is cleared again so as to accommodate the result of the next comparison.


All M-type members of library LIB.ALL.V2 are compared with the members of macro library LIB.MAC.V1.


The result of the comparison is output.

//show-statistics number=*c0 ----------------------------------------------  (8) 


             PRIM.    PRIM.     INS.     SAME     DEL.  INS+DEL     SEC.   SEC.


S (SAME)        2      10          -        10       -         -        10     2

C (CHANGED)     0       0          0        0       0         0        0     0

I (INSERTED)    2      10         10        -       -         10        -     -       

D (DELETED)     -       -          -        -        0         0        0     0


   TOTAL        4      20         10       10       0        10       10     2

//show-statistics number=*c1 ----------------------------------------------  (9)


             PRIM.    PRIM.     INS.     SAME     DEL.  INS+DEL     SEC.   SEC.


S (SAME)        5        37        -        37        -        -        37     5

C (CHANGED)     0         0        0        0        0        0        0     0

I (INSERTED)    2        10       10        -        -        10        -     - 

D (DELETED)     -         -        -        -         0        0        0     0


   TOTAL        7        47       10       37        0       10       37     5

//end --------------------------------------------------------------------- (10)


The current comparison statistics, again contained in area C0, are output.


Area C1 is output. This contains the overall statistics for all comparisons performed thus far in the present LMS run.


LMS is terminated.