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Member designations in statements

The member designation, i.e. member name, version and type, in the LMS statements corresponds to the operands ELEMENT, VERSION and TYPE in the data structure(LIBRARY-)ELEMENT.

The specification of the version is optional. If no value is specified for the version in a statement, the member having the highest value is selected by default. If a different version is to be selected, note that the version specification must be a substructure of the member name:

 ELEMENT = <composed-name ...>(...)
   <composed-name ...>(...)
     |  VERSION = ....
     | ,BASE = .....
,TYPE = .....

When LMS is called, the member type has the value *UNDEFINED by default. It must be defined globally with the MODIFY-LMS-OPTIONS statement, or locally in every statement.

Syntax of member designations

The notational conventions used here are described on "Syntax description"ff. They are the same for source and target members.


<composed-name 1..64 with underscore_with wildcards(132)>(...)
The member name may begin with a catalog ID not exceeding four
characters in length.


<composed-name1..24 with underscore_with wildcards(52)>
For further information on possible version entries, with particular
regard to the use and meaning of keywords, see "Version designations".
’@’ is not permitted as a version entry since it is used to represent
the version specification ’*UPPER-LIMIT’.


<composed-name 1..24 with underscore_with wildcards>
For further information on possible entries, see "Version designations"ff.


<alphanum-name 1..8 with wildcards(20)>
Member types which consist of only a single character or which start
with $ or SYS are interpreted as standard types. These are reserved
types and should not be used as user-defined types.
User-defined types are at least two and not more than eight
characters in length.