On the basis of data relating to the current and maximum utilization level of the application and of individual objects supplied by the information functions of UTM, you can identify pending bottlenecks and introduce measures in good time to prevent these bottlenecks from occurring.
You can obtain important data for performance control purposes with the following calls:
KDCINF STATISTICS or SYSPARM (general data) | |
KC_GET_OBJECT with obj_type=KC_CURR_PAR (general data) | |
KC_GET_OBJECT with obj_type=KC_CLUSTER_CURR_PAR for Unix, Linux and Windows systems |
If the information functions mentioned above indicate bottlenecks, you should carry out a more detailed analysis using the UTM metering monitor KDCMON which gathers statistical data, e.g. on the utilization level of the application, the progress of application program units, and the time needed to process a job. With the aid of system administration, you can activate KDCMON and deactivate it again after a desired period of time while the system is running. You can evaluate the data thus obtained using the UTM tool KDCEVAL.
KDCMON and the tool KDCEVAL are described in the openUTM manual “Using UTM Applications”, where you will also find interpretation aids for the statistics produced by KDCMON and the measures you can take to eliminate bottlenecks.
For performance control purposes, you also have the software monitor openSM2.
openSM2 supplies statistical data on the performance of the complete application program and the utilization level of the system resources. You can activate/deactivate the supply of data to openSM2 through Administration. For further information on openSM2 also refer to the openUTM manual “Using UTM Applications”.