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The following components are supplied for CALLUTM:
the program SYSPRG.UTM.070.CALLUTM
the SDF syntax file SYSSDF.UTM.070.CALLUTM
The program CALLUTM is contained in the LMS library SYSLNK.UTM.070.CALLUTM. It requires the following software configuration:
BS2000 systems with OSD/BC as of V10.0
CMX(BS2000) as of V1.4 if CMX is to be used to communication
SDF as of V4.7C
JV as of V15.0A (job variables)
The job variables are used with the link names UPICFIL, UPICPAT and UPICTRA as described in the openUTM manual „openUTM-Client for the UPIC Carrier System”.