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The C program unit HNDLUSR (BS2000 systems)

HNDLUSR allows you to carry out the following actions with format control:

  • query and modify the properties of user IDs

  • enter new user IDs in the configuration

  • delete user IDs from the configuration

Notes on generation

The program unit must be defined as follows in the KDCDEF run:



FORMSYS ENTRY=KDCFHS,TYPE=FHS,LIB=library with connection module to the formatting system

The program unit uses the C routine ERRCHCK and the FHS format D0USER internally.

Note on linking

The HNDLUSR program unit can be linked to the application program by means of a RESOLVE-BY-AUTO statement. The ERRCHCK routine is implicitly included as well.

Note on starting

The parameters for the FHS formatting system must be added to the start procedure for the application:

.FHS MAPLIB=format library


You must copy the FHS format D0USER from the EXAMPLE library to the format library you are using before the application is started.