This chapter describes the C/C++ program interface for administration. The COBOL program interface corresponds largely to the C/C++ program interface. For this reason, the following interface description will also be useful for reference if you are writing administration programs in COBOL. COBOL-specific issues that you will need to be aware of when programming in this language are described in the appendix "Program interface for administration in COBOL".
The same C or COBOL data structures are passed to the interface in all of the supported platforms. The data fields that are irrelevant for an operating system are set to binary zero.
The C data structures are defined on Unix, Linux and Windows systems in the kcadminc.h header file and, on BS2000 systems, in the include element kcadminc.h in the library SYSLIB.UTM.070.C.
In this chapter you will find:
a general description of a KDCADMI function call and the data areas you must pass to openUTM in the call.
a description of the operations you can execute and the values of the parameters that need to be passed to openUTM for these operations, as well as the values returned by openUTM, for every KDCADMI operation code.
The descriptions are ordered alphabetically according to the operation codes.
a description of the C data structures used to pass properties of the application objects and application parameters to the program interface. This chapter begins by describing the data structures for application objects and continues with descriptions of the data structures for application parameters.
The descriptions are arranged alphabetically by the names of the data structures.
a detailed description of the effect of the KDCADMI call in standalone UTM applications and UTM cluster applications.