The KDCADMI program interface allows you to write your own administration programs. You must always write an administration program as a KDCS program unit, i.e. it must be framed by an INIT and a PEND call. The PEND call should always terminate the transaction.
You can create administration programs:
as dialog program units for administration in dialog mode
as asynchronous program units for administration by means of message queues, e.g. for automatic administration, see chapter “Automatic administration”.
Every administration program has the following structure:
INIT ... MGET (or FGET, if it is an asynchronous program) ... Analyse input KDCADMI (call administration interface) [KDCADMI] (several calls if necessary) ... [RSET] MPUT (or FPUT/DPUT) PEND
You can submit several administration calls in an administration program. If you start a number of calls in a transaction, you must take account of the fact that some calls have to be made in a certain order and that a number of actions prompted by administration programs are subject to transaction management, i.e. they are not executed until a PEND call has been carried out successfully. In this case, you should provide a RSET call in the event of a fault.
A UTM application can have several administration programs for different purposes. An administration program can be started from a terminal, a client or another program unit (e.g. MSGTAC) or indeed from another application.